Apr 25 diets and training

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Bulk Tablets Rep - 500 lb Bench 700 lb squat club.
Ok fellas what we doing today cinnamon oat cheerios with protein milk chicken and rice and back day. Finally getting used to Versa grips and I feel like they are better on my elbows than straps. Was able to hit 585 for double with hook them out these bad boys on and smoked that for 5 probably had atleast 3 more reps still don’t feel like sumo is as taxing of movement as conventional will start to switch back in two weeks and maybe do one day conventional and then do sumo on secodn deadlift day or sowmthing I’ll talk to coach about it
Breakfast a boiled egg and 2 half sandwiches. Lunch had a large plate of homemade wings. no training either today. Kinda like not tracking how much I’m eating for now. But will need to end that soon.
Dirtnasty said:
do one day conventional and then do sumo on secodn deadlift day
I’m absolutely not a deadlift anything but I’ve heard many times training your opposite style can yield good results on meet day.
My dead has been basically stuck for two years so I’m just we irking all angles
Trained chest and triceps today. I had 2 protein shakes today. One with my pancakes and the second after the gym. Chugged some egg whites between errands. Getting some chipotle for dinner.
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