Bloodwork for my wife what do you gals and guys think


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So my wife hasn’t felt right since our son was born . we had to do invetro to have him my issue . they pumped her full of hormones as well then when in labor gave her a lot of meds to try and get him out cause he wouldn’t come out it was to nice and warm !! Turns out he was way too big to fit ! I kept telling her to go to doc so she finally went to cooter doctor he told her and I quote “ you are probably ok”. Wouldn’t run labs went to our general practitioner he said out of my league but go see this lady . Well she did , and they ran some bloods . told her to take some type of progesterone from a compound company. I will get name my problem here is I read the bloods and , not really a complete panel . is there any other ways to fix this than the meds they give? I have seen it before , the women tend to have extreme weight gain. I know two women right now that went through same deal and said it made them feel better but they would have ended up being 500lbs so they said I rather be bat shit crazy . @calmb4dastorm @NeuroRN @Bigmurph @BigSwole69 heck anyone that could possibly help it would be greatly appreciated. I don’t like to see my wife struggle with hormone issues we all know how that can be if out of wack but I know being severely overweight would be just as bad. Exercise and diet can help obviously but I know from low test that it don’t matter how hard you try it won’t keep that monster down

I just want to make sure that I understand
Your wife had the baby already but it was a rough pregnancy so they used alot of hormones to get her through it and now you believe that she has a hormone deficiency or surplus?

The doctor is treating her but the treatment has bad side effects?

If this is all true we can’t really go against what the doctor believes to be best but you can for sure and I reccomend getting a second opinion and make sure that you voice the issues you believe to be the problem and work with the doctor on risk vs reward in the situation your in its definitely a tough one and I wish I new more about it to try and help.

I would definitely get a second opinion without the second doctor knowing what the first doctor has already said because alot of times they will just follow along
We are going to try what has been recommended big murph she is starting after next period which should be anytime now cause I always get really super attentive to her sexual needs right before it starts I guess pheromones it’s like I can sense it maybe from being together for so long idkfor sure everyone is different just gonna keep an eye on things I don’t know a lot when it comes to the female side of things. I also have a bad taste in my mouth from the bandaid treatment some doctors do not to mention I know what it’s like to have issues you can’t control like hormones risk vs reward I like to learn from other people’s experiences sometimes it’s better than anything else
Also I can’t say that any of the fertility of labor meds are the culprit as both ladies I know had invetro one did have child birth other didn’t so there is that as well but the weight gain was very bad for both I been reading on it as well life experiences you can’t read then don’t know wether to believe it on internet
Outlawthing said:
I like to learn from other people’s experiences sometimes it’s better than anything else
I believe also that real life experience goes along way then just whats written in a book. There both important but I would take the real life over the other
It looks like her e2 and pg are the hormones that are low the rest look in range or possibly in range but low. I really wish I had the knowledge about this I just don’t I wish her the best maybe neurorn might know something about it or even rnmuscle
Everything I have to say is from personal study and talking to various docs along the way. I can obviously never advocate for going against your doctor.

That being said… what I can advocate for is getting a second and third opinion. Very few docs want to get into women’s hormones, as it’s very complex.

In my experience most docs want to have any woman under the age of 50 with a test of 50 and a free T of 4-5. Which often requires women’s total test to be higher than 50 and that scares a lot of docs.

Normal ranges for men and women a fucking joke. As average testosterone levels in men and women fall every year, lab companies alter their normal range to reflect a lower average rather than anyone trying to fix it.

All of these numbers depend on where she is in her cycle when labs are drawn.

I would look into find an endocrinologist who is comfortable with women’s hormone therapy.

I would ask about:
-Dhea supplementation (over the counter)
-Bio-identical hormone replacement
- women can get away with single strength dose of test throughout the month, but it in no way represents her normal cycle and will affect her e2 and progesterone.
  • testosterone replacement. Most docs like 3-30mg a week single shot of test c, her test is 35 so she wouldnt need much, most likely.
From my own knowledge this is not uncommon with IVF. Men can play with their hormones SO much easier. One hormone in women throws 3-4 off balance. It’s not always an easy ride, but once she finds a sweet spot she will Feel like a totally new person.

Find a progressive doc for second and third opinion. Don’t count out telehealth options. I hope this helps and I hope you’re able to get some deeper insights.
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I know @NeuroRN said go see a endocrinologist, but if possible, find a female. Women HRT is so much more complex than men as stated. But a woman will do more to find the HRT that works for your wife. Plus the doc should be looking at postpartum depression. That’s another vertical to climb.
You went where i was thinking then after I I talked to a lady friend who had same kinda deal with progesterone and she said medication made her symptoms worse with same symptoms as my wife her exact words were have your wife get on test and the others will get better I am not at this time nor would my wife allow TRT from me I wouldn’t be surprised if even by a doctor she will however listen to what we talk about here cause I was telling her about hcg and pct protocol before the invetro for fertility and she wouldn’t hear it until all the doctors wouldn’t help us and I found a place that would in Texas and they did the exact thing I had learned from AAS. Even my TRT was hard to find and get a doctor to listen but that was like 12 + urs ago but it doesn’t seem like a good medication here are sides

Side effects
  • headache
  • breast tenderness or pain
  • upset stomach
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • tiredness
  • muscle, joint, or bone pain
  • mood swings
  • irritability
  • excessive worrying
  • runny nose
  • sneezing
  • cough
  • vaginal discharge
  • problems urinating

    • breast lumps
  • migraine headache
  • severe dizziness or faintness
  • slow or difficult speech
  • weakness or numbness of an arm or leg
  • lack of coordination or loss of balance
  • shortness of breath
  • fast heartbeat
  • sharp chest pain
  • coughing up blood
  • leg swelling or pain
  • loss of vision or blurred vision
  • bulging eyes
  • double vision
  • unexpected vaginal bleeding
  • shaking hands that you cannot control
  • seizures
  • stomach pain or swelling
  • depression
  • hives
  • skin rash
  • itching
  • difficulty breathing or swallowing
  • swelling of the face, throat, tongue, lips, eyes, hands, feet, ankles, or lower legs
  • hoarseness
Her sides are not that bad but the anxiety/depression/motivation bother me
She only worries about weight and facial hair

I just hate it cause I know how long and bleak the horomone journey can be
How long does that last it’s been 3 1/2 years ? She is not horrible but I can tell she isn’t herself sometimes and nrg lvl foggy thinking tired lathargic sex drive Until corona 😀
That a pretty big list of sides. They probably offer pills for the sides too. I always hate the commercials they give the full disclosure of the sides and make it sound like you won a trip to Disney Land.

Their are some females on here they may have some insight or at least maybe able to give some direction on where you may want to look. @raspi-witch. You said I could hit you up if I had any questions about girl stuff you have any insight on this thread??

@Cluster wife also has been on test is that right buddy?? Maybe he has some insight.
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Don’t judge a medicine completely by it’s side effects, have you ever read the complete list of side effects for 90% of over the counter medications? It’s rough.

If she’s adding progesterone, or estrogen specifically synthetic versions of it- her testosterone is going to be affected. Without knowing her free T levels we can only guess.

I’ve also read multiple times that synthetic progesterone and estrogen affects the usefulness of thyroid hormones. They show up as normal on bloodwork but they are in a bound state most of the time those other hormones are present.

In my opinion, and this is SOLELY that. Testosterone replacement is a solid option for her. The trick is finding a doc, preferably a woman, that is willing to treat her symptoms of low T rather than just her mediocre number.
My wife was put on the cream its super low dose and its from an obgyn. Difference of night and day in terms of mood energy and sex drive.
The only problem is a females body needs such a small amount of testosterone I wouldn’t dare try and give her some of my 250mg test cause she’d end up like you said about the weight gain and bearded and psyco lol