Estrogen blockers and women

I have read a few things by female coaches saying they use Nolvadex or arimidex to tighten up the midsection during prep, or some proviron… but that’s all I’ve ever found on it. There’s really hardly any solid info for women and gear out there.
Thanks @raspi-witch. My wife is jumping on board the gear train. So nice to have a sister to bounce things off of. Like the guys say there is so little information out there for women on AAS. I may use you as a source for information if that is ok?
Hey thanks @raspi-witch for jumping in! As I’ve stated before any knowledge I have had come from what other people have said, so thanks for telling us your own experience! It’s much appreciated.
I have used Adex 0.5mg EOD previously in a 8 week cycle. I didn’t notice any adverse effects while running it. At the same time, I can’t tell you if it made a difference either. At the Time I was running a cut with Tren and test P. My coach thought it would assist in my endeavors…