FNG/ First Cycle

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U.S Navy Vet
Long time listener, first time caller. ill start off first with my age 25 years young. just got blood work back from the doc. somewhat decent; however they only gave me/ took free test. stupid as hell asked doc for a full panel and thats what military provided. free test was 15.9 pg/ml. ive been lifting for 10 years now, toyed with sarms a couple of times. fun but could have been mostly placebo effects. the mind is quite powerful. bloodwork was good after sarms no shut down as i can tell. looking to start my first cycle. very, very, very basic cycle. i currently weigh 240Lbs, 5’9". body fat (ball park estimate 18%)
the cyle i intend on running.
test E (was thinking of starting with 250mg) for the first 4 weeks to see how my body reacts. if sides are minimal i intend to increase to 500mg)
tamoxifen on standby, 40 mg a day if needed (up for suggestions)
will run this for roughly 15 weeks.
pct looking into HCG, Clomid on standby 50mg ED for 4 weeks taper to 25mg ED for 4 more.

as always im open for suggestions!
any additional info you would like let me know.
ill post pics soon of current physique.

thanks in advance
Yes, I’m very aware this is a commitment. “No one ever does one cycle”- (I don’t remember who said that). I am 100% sure. No mistaking that. I understand that there are repercussions, and I am willing to undergo the highs and lows.
is there ever really a correct answer to that question? if you’re looking for a black and white answer, thats very hard to look for unless someone actually is prescribed TRT IMO. looking to compete in another show, competed in highschool, placed 3rd. since then i have just been adding on mass and strength. my nutrition has always been on point for the most part. never really slacked off from the 10 years of training. i firmly believe i have reached my limit in size naturally. im honestly looking to build and sculpt much more until i return home in a year to compete in shows. that is more than enough time to develop my already existing foundation.

(if this came off as rude that wasn’t my intention)
i appreciate honesty and encourage it.
Free test of 15 is pretty low if measuring in pg/mL.

I think answering @Aude_Aliquid_Dignu question is the best first step.

Second, cycling on and off steroids comes from several poorly designed studies using anavar in nursing home men who were not training nor eating properly, and the results tapered off around 8-10weeks. Then the “bro’s” began consuming massive doses of AAS causing toxic lab levels, so the theory prevailed. Run high AAS for unrealistic gains for a short amount of time to lessen toxic effects of AAS.

At 25 your free test should be in the 40’s for pG/mL.

I can’t in any form or fashion suggest cycling AAS. There’s no data suggesting this is the way.

If I were starting now at 25… I wouldn’t start now. But since your dead set on it… here’s an alternative route.

Titrate your test dose to as high as you possibly can tolerate without the use of a single ancillary. None. No nolva. No AI. Nada. Get labs along the way. Every 3 months. As long as labs stay healthy. Keep going. Once you find that dose, add in 100-200 of mast or primo to increase your androgen:estrogen ratio.

Once labs indicate stress on the body. Back off to normal therapeutic dosing of test.

If you want kids, either route cycle or continuous will potentially fuck future fertility.

Two things every enhanced athlete needs to be on to mitigate the major risks we incur by playing this game:
  1. Glutathione (subq inj route only)
  2. Telmisartan.
I’ve written extensively on both. Good luck. Read read read all you can on this site. If you find opposing opinions on a topic start a new one with your question. @shelldawg
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Low and slow is the long term name of the game. If you add 10lbs of mass a year you are in a rare class. If you don’t care about being around for a long time then blast away at crazy doses.

You wanna play this game into your 60-70’s and be healthy into your 80’s-90’s?

Low. Slow. No orals. No exotics that have no human testing data behind it. Stick to the compounds with data behind them.
shelldawg said:
(if this came off as rude that wasn’t my intention)
Most of us have thick skin, but I appreciate this attitude. Truly. If you have been lurking awhile, you know we operate on respect here. If you truly do get an attitude or start picking on someone @Poppy has a large hammer in his shed used to giving ppl the boot.

Keep the willingness to learn alive and you’ll fit right in.
yes i agree to that 100% , i do not intend on blasting an excessive amount of gear. i value my life and i also value this lifestyle. your input is great, hoping these pics will upload. to give a general look of where im sitting at. a little more body fat than im use to currently; however im just ending a 6 month bulk. honestly im looking to maintain this size while recomping.

100mg of mast/ primo on a first cycle? thats relatively new to me, im listening.
wanting to keep this very basic and relatively low.



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  1. Find you test dosage for you as a genetically unique male, that requires no ancillary support whatsoever. For me personally as a genetically unique male: 400mg of test a week. Run this dose for a year. Maximize those gains from having elevated test levels. Check labs every 3months to ensure all other lab values remain in check on your unique dose.
  2. AFTER your gains slow, add in primo or mast.
I’m saying don’t cycle. I’m saying run this dose for years if you stay health. I have yet to find a study in actual support of cycling on and off AAS.
im tracking, that is actually way better sounding than one that would cycle on an off. no sense in feeling great for a limited time and feeling like utter s*** trying to bounce back for even longer.
great feedback
I’m not sure , a 500lb bench sounds tempting lol. The highest I’ve gotten so far is 465 for one. I’ve always been somewhat naturally strong. Praying i don’t lose so much of my strength when I start cutting carbs and doing more cardio .
Wish I was a freak with 6 pack abs and a 500lb bench
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