New here seeking some advice

Hi! :raising_hand_woman:t2:
New around here.
I’ve been lifting since 2018. Went from bing nervous to pushing my PR like a boss.
Over the last year, granted COVID did a dent I haven’t been able to get the same results.
I’ve been an ETP member since 2019, on and off over 2020 b/c the world was on lockdown.

At my best I was 190 and had great definition. Zero supplements except some pre and BCAA post.
Here I sit now. Disgusted with myself and my body for not giving me the results I want.

Even at my heaviest I’ve never been THIS heavy. 234 → 224 since January. My nutrition is on point, barely allow myself a cheat. Workouts are steady, I lift 3-4 times a week. I. Added walking 3-4 miles a few days a week in the beginning of March. Still stuck here. And like I mean stuck!

Over the last year I have been loosing my hair, gaining weight, ridiculous body aches.
Docs tell me some of this is fibromyalgia (aka an excuse for people if you ask me).
Trying to figure out what to do to get over this stall and get my muscle definition to show again under all this fat.

So yea. Throw some comments? Experiences? Ideas?

I’ve been pushing my doc to pull some thyroid, hormone and food sensitivity labs but it is like pulling teeth! One doc referral to the next it’s 4 months in to this ask and I have yet to get these labs besides the ones they did to tell me I have this fibromyalgia crap and offer me meds for it which I declined.

Thanks. Happy to be here.
I normally wouldn’t post but now that you’re a member has home blood work kits that you can use to test for almost anything you want and we get 20% off with code UGMUSCLE at checkout.

That’s the thyroid kit or you can get a prescription for lab work from multiple online websites now and take it straight to your local blood lab.
icancunha said:
Over the last year I have been loosing my hair, gaining weight, ridiculous body aches.
Im not a doctor but yes your absolutely correct it sounds like your thyroid my mother and sister have to use t4 I believe because they have an issue with their thyroid and exactly what you describe is exactly what they said to me word for word honestly. I don’t know much about fibromyalgia but I do know that I would have given you a full blood panel including hormones.
This is what you really should do to start off is a female hormone panel plus cholesterol and anything else that they can include like blood and vitamin levels and thyroid. This will show if you have fibromyalgia or a thyroid issue or some type of immune disorder.

Sorry for posting I can’t not help someone and honestly I don’t know how busy it will be for some time in the Women’s Fitness Forum but you can also post an introduction if you would like on the full forum or just wait for more information from another female. You do have full access to ugmuscle there’s alot of information if you search in the magnifying glass. It only searches ugmuscle so it won’t send you to Google or anything lol

I wish you the best shhh I was never here sorry again for posting.
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It really sucks that your doctor won’t help honestly we tell anyone that has a doctor who won’t help to ditch them and on the way out remind them of the oath they took lol

Its really good to have a good doctor that you can be completely honest with and will help you since you pay them for the service that there not giving you I really dislike doctors lol

Don’t forget your discount UGMUSCLE all caps 20% off for ugmuscle members
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Well! I got my labs and holy shit I am a hot mess. Ha-ha!

Got some recommendations from some dude who is a hormone doc for men but does females as well. I going to start some supplements, and curious is anyone has ever used — Sermorelin — that is the injectable.
List of supplements is lengthily and optional so right now I am going to price most of the crap out and see what I can make work and what I can swallow cause damn a horse pill just won’t do LOL!

Goal is to get my testosterone down to an optimal level while getting my progestin and estrogen up to optimal levels. Right now they are on the wrong side of the seesaw and throwing my thyroid off. Along with some adrenal dysfunction.

I will post on the main page too!
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icancunha said:
This is an interesting peptide if I were to reccomend one though I would reccomend Ipermorlin its very similar to Seramorlin there’s also hexamorlin and another actually they all do the same thing but hex is the strongest then seramorlin, ipermorlin, and the other lol.

Why don’t you use actual HGH? At a very low dose over 6 months to a year you can help hair skin nails and weight. At an anti aging dose you could take 1iu 5x a week and it will be enough and if you get good hgh you will only need 1iu for your goals.
The peptides I don’t have anything against I just trust the full 191aa chain instead of them breaking it up to create peptides.

Im logging out for tonight but any questions I would love to answer.
Yep hgh can only be prescribed were im guessing you are for 2 conditions hiv wasting and another growth issue.

Its good though that its coming from the doctor