What got you into this muscle lifestyle?

I’ve been an athlete since I ve been able to walk …
started lifting seriously when I was 18 and I didn’t want to be weak anymore
I moved from body building to power lifting and haven’t looked back
I use juice because it levels the playing field when you compete I also just like being jacked and big so I would still use…
even in DT powerlifting people still use PEDs
In my younger years I was a gymnast, always conditioning trying to get stronger. One of my gymnastics teammate mom was a female bodybuilder. I always loved her muscles. She look so beautiful. Many times when I spent the night at my teammate house i remember her mom taking and injecting her enhancements. I did learn alot from her.
When I reached my teens I started to focus more on bodybuilding and growing bigger muscles. As I got older and able to buy PED, that’s when my growth really began.
Honestly it just irritates me. We already struggle to get females on the boards (not just UGM) and when they do finally decide to join there’s always someone that comes in and makes them feel uncomfortable and they leave. I’m not playing big brother but there’s already a lack of knowledge on female cycles, body building, power lifting, nutrition, etc and that’s because most of them don’t join or get driven off. Its ashame really
yes and no … we also can’t be offended by every little comment either and need to stand up for ourselves too . it’s great to have back up I m not spitting on it at all so please don’t take it that way but girls gotta get some skin and be ready to get a little bit dirty and organize the play yard. i spent a lot of time on another forum doing just that … for the most part guys act ok if you draw a line and stick to it …
I absolutely agree with you on that too. I’m sure you get used to asinine comments from people to an extent. I have 2 girls and their mom is tough as nails so we teach them to stand up for themselves but there’s going to be some people that just dont get the picture. That’s when papa has to step in lol
I became interested in PEDs once I realized how much I loved powerlifting. Personal PL goals: I want to squat over 400lbs, bench at least 250lbs and deadlift at least 500lbs.

I also love the look of jacked women, and I want to look like that!