SB Labs

Recent content by AlexYang

  1. AlexYang

    We have a new staff member

  2. AlexYang

    I wanted everyone to know

    Haven’t got flu for years now, I still remember that sucks. Feel better!
  3. AlexYang

    Geniric hgh has anyone had issues uwith talking generic hgh rather than pharma grade

    Though I can’t understand what you trying to explain totally, but thanks for your kindness.
  4. AlexYang

    Happy new year

    Chinese New Year is coming soon!
  5. AlexYang

    Getting ready to do a cut cycle

    Thanks, @Bigmurph We can domestic ship HGH, pretty fast and safe.
  6. AlexYang

    SANTA brought an early gift DBHHGH from hghtaboil or wehormone

    I am planning to ship some kits to our new remailer in US as our stock, so I guess my customer service will be better, shipping will be more fast and safe for you guys.
  7. AlexYang

    Legit GH

    Thanks, @PHD, what I am doing is just what I should do, shipping to US is really hard at present moment, we are trying all possible packing and shipping.
  8. AlexYang

    Explanation of why Gmail can't log in for hours

    I am from China mainland, and since the early of 2010, Google has some issue with government control from China, so Google quitted China mainland market in 2010 and never back to our market ever since, though internet users, especially who are doing foreign business, want to use Google service...
  9. AlexYang

    Fucked up by a CA remailer

    Thanks for all of your support, I just want to do honest business, no cheating and no run away, take responsibilities which I should.
  10. AlexYang

    Fucked up by a CA remailer

    I got fucked up by a CA remailer, trusted him so much, and would have sent him alot of powders, and alot of kits of HGH for him to reship in US if he could follow our instructions, leaves our US customers no customs problems, do domestic shipping for our customers, but this remailer just stole 3...
  11. AlexYang

    New site from a friend,, check it out!, verified src, reviews

    Hi, guys, one of my friend has a new site,, there are hgh, tabs, and oils for your choice, check it out if you are in convenience.
  12. AlexYang

    GH being tested

    Really appreciate for your help! @Bigmurph
  13. AlexYang

    GH being tested

    Thanks, man!