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Recent content by eternick170

  1. eternick170


    Is there any follow up to this? Aside from giveaways for members only, this would be a great opportunity to expand to non-members as promotion to direct new users to the site. Or a referral incentive for those who already members.
  2. eternick170

    Some Serious **** Going Around. Euroking-Gear. Scammers and Potentional Scammers Linked Together. Eroids Involvement. Top MuscleGuru Sources

    This type of detective work is truly inspiring. Insanely informative to read this in its entirety to understand the basic principles in identifying how sites scam regarding URL’s pointing to the same servers. Wow, I would love to be on a task force from UGMuscle that investigates the legitimacy...
  3. eternick170

    Arms or legs? To improve first

    Just to piggyback on the leg comment - yup, and aside from the stereotype that men are ASS-kinda guys… trust me, women are more obsessed with a great ass if you have one. Squat, squat, squat.
  4. eternick170

    Discussions and other activities

    Q & A would definitely benefit the curious. Also, maybe there should be a section that focuses on more pictures/ video for those who would like to personalize their progress for others to see. Having a set of progressive pics would add to the conversation of utilizing a certain diet, or taking a...
  5. eternick170

    Arms or legs? To improve first

    Have you incorporated any of the recommendations shared with you regarding improving your arms or legs? It would be wonderful to get an update.
  6. eternick170

    Everyone is a "coach" nowadays. The latest in Pro Bodybuilding scams

    I would be honored. I sent you a PM. Let’s continue there.
  7. eternick170

    UGMuscle (Desktop) Concerns

    Just came back from a work hiatus. I haveta admit, this site looks cleaned up immensely and refined. Very impressive work/ quick turn around.
  8. eternick170

    Everyone is a "coach" nowadays. The latest in Pro Bodybuilding scams

    Oh definitely. The trifecta of online content should direct traffic from your site to YT to social media to your site with different combinations of ebb and flowing. This way you would pick up individuals who only hang in one aspect of the web. Plus, @Bigmurph I am assured that you already have...
  9. eternick170

    UGMuscle (Desktop) Concerns

    You are welcome. Wow, super friendly Mods. Some moderators could have deleted/ censored this thread because the critiques could have been misinterpreted as nitpicking and/or complaining.
  10. eternick170

    Brand new just wanted to say hi!

    Yeah, when I was a kid, I used to drink milk like it was running out of style. Even now as an adult, I can still down a gallon of milk, but I’d rather not because of how many calories that would be. Are there any tests out there to measure one’s lactose intolerance aside from attempting to...
  11. eternick170

    UGMuscle (Desktop) Concerns

    NoCancel.png850×459 63.6 KB When you click on Log In, the window that prompts you for your credentials lacks an X to cancel out and return to the previous page.
  12. eternick170

    Brand new just wanted to say hi!

    Luckily, I don’t have to worry about lactose intolerance, but I have not purchased any high quality protein shakes; I will look into that. I have only supplemented my protein grams count by way of shakes provided at Cost Co., but then again, that is only because the other percentage of my...
  13. eternick170

    Brand new just wanted to say hi!

    @t-bill What was your total amount of calories when you needed to chug fairlife choc milk bottle by your bedside? I’ve noticed that when I supplement more and more protein shakes vs. substance protein found in foods, I end up getting bloated and holding more body fat. This is both while I was...
  14. eternick170

    UGMuscle (Desktop) Concerns

    The category title overlaps the user avatar.
  15. eternick170

    UGMuscle (Desktop) Concerns

    Aside from bugs observed in the layout, it felt necessary to create a thread to document requests/preferences for whoever is modifying the structure of UGMuscle. My contribution as the first post: TopofthePage.png974×73 12.2 KB The top of the page overlaps the text and links.