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Recent content by Jajana

  1. Jajana

    Female : Holding too much water and fat in legs despite diet and training 2-3X a week

    @sassyweights, today is my 3rd also. I lost 2.5 lbs and that too has to be water weight. I have been checking my BP and it seems ok at 110/70. Lets stay connected and see how our journey goes. ☺️
  2. Jajana

    Scales that measure BF

    @MySQLMan, so is this image telling you the BF for each side? If so I guess you right handed ?
  3. Jajana

    Scales that measure BF

    @Shock6050 not sure I would like getting in one of those. It’s fascinating stuff to say the least
  4. Jajana

    Little help, not sure if I did it wrong

    @Youts it looks yellow like the one at them bottom!
  5. Jajana

    Scales that measure BF

    @Shock6050. Wow the technology is pretty amazing. It will be interesting so see the difference between the smart scale and the Tanita scale. I’ll be remote still for a few weeks, so I will have to wait to test. Very interesting stuff though.
  6. Jajana

    Scales that measure BF

    @MySQLMan Oh I like that. It looks very impressive. Thanks for sharing. I may invest in one to try it
  7. Jajana

    Female : Holding too much water and fat in legs despite diet and training 2-3X a week

    Yes I used all 3 today. I will update on progress. It’s great to be here and have a wealth of good information from the experienced. 😊
  8. Jajana

    Female : Holding too much water and fat in legs despite diet and training 2-3X a week

    My spelling sucks too. 😛 I read the small print and it raises your BP so I’m good. I took my first round today pre workout and measured BP after… it was fine. I found it helped me work much harder furring cardo. Thanks so much for the advise.
  9. Jajana

    Scales that measure BF

    Thanks this seems to be a very interesting device 😊
  10. Jajana

    Scales that measure BF

    That’s ok i fully understand 😊
  11. Jajana

    Scales that measure BF

    It was a great explanation and very much appreciated. I will find some where that does it manually and also do it daily on this Withings Smart Scale. At the nurses office at my job we can use a machine that prints BF and a lot more. I don’t know the brand. But it says Tanita on the top of the...
  12. Jajana

    Female : Holding too much water and fat in legs despite diet and training 2-3X a week

    Can this ECA stack be used with low blood pressure… ? I looked for primatine but found Primatene, is this it… and it’s for asthma right? Don’t want to get the wrong stuff 😆
  13. Jajana

    Female : Holding too much water and fat in legs despite diet and training 2-3X a week

    Hi there, I am new here and have a similar issue with weight and water retention. I’ll be following this post 😄 I stopped Var and will start the ECA Stack.
  14. Jajana

    Women And Anavar - New here

    So I decided to stop Var for now and focus on the weight loss first. Thanks for the advise I will keep you posted 😊
  15. Jajana

    Scales that measure BF

    Hi All, Has anyone used these scales that measure body fat? Like for example the Withings body+ Withings Body+ - Smart Body Composition Wi-Fi Digital Scale with smartphone app Sorry I can’t allow links to be posted once you have been around longer and we get to know you better than you can...