I agree some what with no taking hormones to lose weight . First of all have blood work done to see where ur hormones are at. If there off get them straightened out. If hormones are in check then I’d use pherntermine for weight loss in my opinion.
But to get back to ur question no don’t split...
I didn’t post the trt clinic because I didn’t know if it was against the rules lot forums would ban u if u post something like that and there not a sponsor of the boatd
Welcome to UGMUSCLE!!!
U can do most of this urself but if u want a doc. Then I can recommend one . They will be online and I can get help from anywhere and get a script for the things I need .
If u decide not to use a doctor. Blood work on regular basis is the most important thing .
I do push ,pull and leg day . I just take a day off in between all of them . Well really not off cause I do cardio and abs on the off days . I swim in the summer and do rounds on the heavy bag and speed bag .
In the winter I ride the bike and use the treadmill .
Bloods and aromasin is what I use also .
Aromasin at 12.5 mgs twice a week is a good starting point . That also depends on how many mgs u run each week .
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