SB Labs

Recent content by Jsween94

  1. Jsween94

    Sust 250, NPP, EQ, DBOL

    Thanks everyone. I’ll stick to what I have. Feel great anyways.
  2. Jsween94

    Sust 250, NPP, EQ, DBOL

    Oh no I’m only 20 days deep.
  3. Jsween94

    Sust 250, NPP, EQ, DBOL

    What’s up guys it’s been a little while I hope everyone’s doing well to start with. Secondly trying to get some advice. Right now I’m running 500 test and 500 NPP with 25mg injectable dbol subq preworkout. I was wondering if adding EQ into the mix would be good or not.
  4. Jsween94

    PCT sore nipples help

    I’m starting to think I may get sensitive nipples as a side effect from HCG with no real estrogen spike
  5. Jsween94

    PCT sore nipples help

    Actually I woke up this morning and everything was feeling perfectly normal. Very weird but oh well
  6. Jsween94

    PCT sore nipples help

    Yeah I always get it the next morning.
  7. Jsween94

    PCT sore nipples help

    Hopefully everything works out man that shit ain’t no joke
  8. Jsween94

    PCT sore nipples help

    How’s the stomach issues?
  9. Jsween94

    PCT sore nipples help

    Always do. Thanks a lot buddy
  10. Jsween94

    PCT sore nipples help

    I’m headed to get that and prolactin as we speak. I’ll update tomorrow.
  11. Jsween94

    PCT sore nipples help

    I haven’t gotten any blood work yet, i did through out my cycle and maintained good estrogen levels. However, I was going to get my bloods done when I get off PCT. but at this point It’s looking like an estrogen test is in the near future
  12. Jsween94

    PCT sore nipples help

    Right and I figured since I had my estrogen under control with nolvadex while I was on PCT going through changes it would level itself out. I was under the impression my hormones would level themselves out. So you’re saying I need to AI down to correct levels my body won’t do it itself? Or just...
  13. Jsween94

    PCT sore nipples help

    Okay. Makes sense. Thanks buddy