SB Labs

Recent content by Massmonster42

  1. M

    Anyone have contact with omega lately

    Placed an order and received it in 3 days. Service and communication was great and the products look great. Just took my first shot 2 days ago and I’m sure I won’t be disappointed. Thanks @Omegaman
  2. M

    Anyone have contact with omega lately

    Has anyone placed an order with Omega lately?
  3. M

    Optum pharm masteron enanthate

    Thanks for posting bro! @ kad1
  4. M

    Optum pharm masteron enanthate

    Tag me when you do bro
  5. M

    Optum pharm masteron enanthate

    Has anyone tested optum pharms masterone e 300. I know his NPP came back as Deca. Curious on the masteron because I have a few.
  6. M

    Has anyone used Global Pharmaceuticals primo Enanthate

    Has anyone used Global primo E. Using now. His Test and var are awesome. Just wondering if Antoine has used the primo
  7. M

    Amino Asylum Amino mices

    Has anyone purchased any amino mixes from amino asylum
  8. M

    Equipoise Side Effects

    How long would Ed sides last after last shot like increased hemocrit and a rise in blood pressure
  9. M

    Vertical Diet Specifics

    Anybody have any good info on the vertical diet like a good article.
  10. M

    Fasted training with carbs before bed only

    Thanks @SemperFi very helpful post
  11. M

    Fasted training with carbs before bed only

    Thoughts on morning fasted training. Eating high protein fat all day except last meal which is 2 hours before and having carbs. 100-200g. Thoughts
  12. M

    Good over the counter liver support

    Thanks for all suggestions
  13. M

    Arimidex Use

    Starting a cycle of 500 test e and 600 we a week for 15 weeks. Thinking of starting with .25mg of arimidex eod. Is that enough?
  14. M

    Bad inner elbow Pain

    Can any one suggest a good wrap for elbow pain. I was thinking of trying the slingshot elbow cuff. Right elbow. Killing me lately