SB Labs

Recent content by Muscleboy

  1. Muscleboy

    Deca-Durabolin® (nandrolone decanoate)

    I got ten ml’s of Deca, and I would like to run it soon. I’m already 240, so I’m not looking to put on mass. Did you notice that you put on size with Deca Duribolin?
  2. Muscleboy

    Dealing with depression

    Try getting rid of friends that are giving you negative energy. Two hours of walking a day or ten thousand steps. Improving your microbiome, the second brain. Fish oil, a lot of it, and amitriptyline for meds that are not that expensive. Just a few things but to each their own. A good lady, or...
  3. Muscleboy

    Decca and test what to do

    Thanks. I will try to eat less refined carbs, lots of cardio and try to take more test than deca i guess and than a pct. Its the only gear I have with limited arimidex and clomid. Not interested in very much after this cycle except for GH. I get really big on gear fast and dont workout enough to...
  4. Muscleboy

    Decca and test what to do

    I still have a Deca and Test cycle left. What should I do? I’m not trying to put on wieght at all costs. Good article but I think 200 ml a week is to much for me. With past cycles and hrt I had a lot of bloating although my strength was high and libido was good. I cant mess this cycle up so do I...
  5. Muscleboy

    What do you take to help you sleep at night?

    Not sure, but nobody is permitted to sell. Selling is illegal, but using is not a criminal offence. You don’t need a prescription to use or carry steroids from my understanding.
  6. Muscleboy

    What do you take to help you sleep at night?

    I’m a severe pot head, and than you through some test e in there - I started to look disgusting but i didn’t want to stop cannabis until I realized diabetes runs in the family, so i put it down for now and started a post cycle. My cannabis cough is gone and i started eating way less, with less...
  7. Muscleboy

    What do you take to help you sleep at night?

    Cannabis is legal in Canada and steroids are legal as well.
  8. Muscleboy

    What do you take to help you sleep at night?

    Cannabis on steroids brother.
  9. Muscleboy

    What do you take to help you sleep at night?

    I put it down since the Anobolic Doc thinks it causes diabetes-because of the munchies as a side effect. I know myself when I get into the vape heavy, I start blowing up like Dianabol freaks. Cannabis is legal where I’m from. It doesnt work for sleep for me…
  10. Muscleboy

    What do you take to help you sleep at night?

    At doses for sleep there is little to no side effects.
  11. Muscleboy

    What do you take to help you sleep at night?

    Its a script. I get it for sleep specifically.
  12. Muscleboy

    What do you take to help you sleep at night?

    25 millagrams for a short term therapy and than tolerance builds up, and 50 knocks me right out for the long haul. Ive been going through this for ten years, since I started working night shift, sleep has never been the same. Trazadone is good too.
  13. Muscleboy

    What do you take to help you sleep at night?

    It take Amytriptyline . Works like a charm and realy economically affordable.
  14. Muscleboy

    Alpha North Labs Canada TOUCHDOWN!

    Very helpful !
  15. Muscleboy

    Alpha North Labs Canada TOUCHDOWN!

    If I choose arimidex as a pct, how long do you think someone should continue to treat themselves with 25 or 50 mg a day?