Appreciate the interest! I’ve competed in a few Powerlifting meets but trained the Olympic lifts for years prior. A month ago I started messing around with snatches and cleans again and started hitting lifetime PRs which Ive attribited to just getting stronger with powerlifting. So I thought...
Haven’t been on the board long but thought I’d jump into a log since I’ll be training for what is called a Super total sometime in October. A super total is a combination of Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting. My plan is to find a official powerlifting meet to compete in and then test my...
Seen that graph before and love it. Progress is rarely linear. Lots of ups and downs and bumps in the road.
My personal favorite quote is…
“To live is to suffer. The survive is to find meaning in the suffering” - Frederich Nietzsche
It reminds me that we shouldn’t strive for an easy life but...
Already have both Aromasin and Nolva on hand from previous Test Only runs. Those cycles were 350 and 400 per week respectively and I didn’t need to use either product thankfully, but things could be different so its good to be ready with them.
PCT won’t be necessary (on TRT already)
I’ll look...
Okay appreciate the feedback so far guys.
How about this…
Test C 400mg/week (Week 1-12)
Anavar 35mg/day (Week 1-4, Week 9-12)
Tudca for all 12 weeks for protection while on the oral and for recovery in Weeks 5-8.
Initially there will be enough Anavar for 35mg/day for the first 4 weeks (hence...
What do you guys think would be optimal for a low dose run of Test C and Anavar? Have 2 Test only runs under my belt and prefer conservative dosages. The goal is strength/performance. for olympic weightlifting and powerlifting. I’m planning on testing all 5 lifts (Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Squat...
Hi all:
Thought I’d jump on here for a quick intro. Been lifting for many years but started messing around with enhancement last year.
I’m a strength sport enthusiast (Olympic weightlifting and Powerlifting).
Actually just enquired about some Test C and Anavar and will be jumping on after my...
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