I am on call… so anytime ill have to go out and do shit…but im hoping to stream Free Guy and eat some popcorn! Wife will be sleeping
Edit: Free Guy isnt available to stream on my Fave site… So the new Suicide Squad it is!
No…not yet.
I was found out i had very low test.
I was taking test e before that as i highly suspected i had low test. Hind sight i shouldnt have…
Still learning
I really appreciate everyone’s feedback and the fact that yall stepped up to give me advice, so i can at least do what I’m asked…so here I’ll be posting my eating habits, test e if I go back on it and exercise.
47 yrs old - 6’3" 280+ atm
My Goal
I am 38% BF
Slim down get my eating right...
I was using 125-250 test e, and my GF is using Anavar 10mg per day
I have received each multiple times and each has come within 3 days.
I used other sources but honestly can’t ask for better.
I haven’t had any issues after 4 enquiries over the past 2 years
@Bigmurph thanks for the questions!
Im on the phone at work so i hope i get it all answered
its a hunger thing… I don’t ever feel hungry…but when i do eat dinner im ravenous yet i get full a few bites in.
I never was a big eater.
i had blood work recently kidney and liver levels were of no...
@Poppy i take after my father sadly
I did! I used to live in Tennessee and never drank water only sweet tea, soda and i did roofing for 5 years
I moved to canada and drank only water…and had my first kidney stone attack after 7 months.
Came and gone after a few years finally had a blockage… so...
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