SB Labs

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  1. B

    New members need help

    If you were taking 30mg/day of Anavar and started getting jaundice my guess is that you got M1T sold as Anavar. Possibly Superdrol. But M1T is the only thing I can think of that would mess up your liver that bad and get you sick that fast and is much cheaper than Anavar so worth it for someone...
  2. B

    This dude is a beast. Half ton squat for 3

    I wasn’t try to argue either just was wondering so I could go back amd watch for it. He did push that so easy I had to watch it a couple times then I saw him halfway ready to pass out at the end and figured it was legit. Once I checked his website I was confident about it. He squatted 800 ED for...
  3. B

    This dude is a beast. Half ton squat for 3

    I dont know what looks fake about them. He’s holding on to the bar at the end to keep from falling over. I googled him since I never heard of him. He is a savage. Check out his website.
  4. B

    Liver Cleanse GAT anyone used it?

    I use Liver Refresh from NOW foods. It works well and its affordable. Not familiar with GAT
  5. B

    This dude is a beast. Half ton squat for 3

    I’ve never heard of this dude but he just (off the record cause everything is shut down) became the first person ever to squat and deadlift 1000lbs for reps. Here’s the article with vids.
  6. B

    Use your down time now to focus on security

    I like them. Just too big for me. This boy is 97 lbs ripped to the bone. That’s bigger than I wanted but love him still. My female is 68. I’m considering a Malinois. They are the smartest most agile dogs still able to take a human out with ease.
  7. B

    Use your down time now to focus on security

    I have a friend that has 7 Presa Canarios (very similar to the Cane Corso). She has a huge property in a small town. I like my American Bulldogs. They will rip your leg off but they are so intimidating none will get close enough to test them. I cam leave my wife and kids at home with no worries.
  8. B

    New members need help

    From where? Roidtest?
  9. B

    New members need help

    Got a cortisone shot last week just in time before they stopped non emergency Appts. I did something that ended up in a pinched nerve in my shoulder and I couldn’t move my arm at all. With the cortisone I can move well enough to work but I can still feel something swollen or out of place. As...
  10. B

    New to the community

    Welcome to the board. There should be a reply button at the bottom of the thread just under the post count. I dont think there is PM here anymore.
  11. B

    Just got my pac from @oneq, question:

    I think its carbs and fats specifically that interfere with GH efficacy. Body processes alcohol as sugar so probably the same effect on GH as eating carbs. I know for a fact the body reacts to alcohol as a sugar but the rest is just deduction and assumptions.
  12. B

    Just curious concerning my GC brethren

    VR80 is my easy reach beside. Semi auto 12ga with a strobe light. Really ain’t escaping that in close quarters and somehow it’s still legal in CA (I think). I’m pretty good with a handgun but if I jump out of bed in the middle of the night I ain’t missing with 12ga 00.
  13. B

    Hi New member and i want to say hello

    Welcome to the board.
  14. B

    New members need help

    Puritans Pride has an affordable coq10 and red rice yeast combo supp. That’s what I use on cycle. Deca will make you hold a lot of water. I prefer NPP, I actually love NPP but dont care much for Deca. Same compound, different ester. For joint pain look up Alflutop. I havent used it but will be...
  15. B

    Nolvadex during cycle?

    I got lucky and got a couple appointments last week and scheduled a PT appt. Got to go to PT on Friday but follow up Dr, appt was by phone. No more PT or Dr appt for at least 3 weeks. They may cancel that one she said.
  16. B

    Nolvadex during cycle?

    Always have everything you might need. I started aromatizing more as I got older. At 30 I was fine with Proviron up to 500mg/week test now I need 12.5 asin EOD at that dose. I never had any gyno symptoms but I got 2 packs of Nolva just on case that changes.
  17. B

    New members need help

    Test and Deca will likely increase blood pressure. Just keep hydrated, eat healthy get some cardio in, 30 min 2x/week. Omega 3, coq-10 and red rice yeast if you’re in to supplements. I honestly question their efficacy but I still use them. If it gets over 150 definitely slow down, talk to doc...
  18. B

    Heating gear up in mic

    I’ve had mine fire up with a little scrap or foil packaging stuck to the edge so small I didn’t notice before I put it in.
  19. B

    F**K Covid-19, how are your states reacting?

    No cancels yet but just found out today that my shower wall and door source is closed indefinitely as of last night. Talked to them yesterday morning amd they said they’d be open til Saturday went back today to place some orders and fuck me. That’s gonna add $500 to one job right off the top...