SB Labs

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  1. B

    Correct amount of anadrol oral dosage

    I loved it when I was younger. Last 2 times I tried it at 50/day I had nose bleeds within. The first week.
  2. B

    Correct amount of anadrol oral dosage

    I wouldn’t recommend an Adrol only cycle (or any compound for that matter) without test. If you are gonna do it go 4 weeks only amd run HCG with your PCT. Your natural test will be crashed and by week 6 any gains you’re making with the Adrol you’ll be losing due to no test.
  3. B

    Correct amount of anadrol oral dosage

    Personally I’d say you’re too young to be doing AAS and probably have room to grow naturally (you dont state your BF%). Being that’s a decision you’ve already made, make sure you run run full, proper PCT at the end of every cycle. For Adrol I would start at 25 for about 5 days checking your BP...
  4. B

    What gauge is everyone using?

    18 ga draw 23 ga x 1" pin I prefer the 23 over 25 cause it pushes faster.
  5. B

    Coinbase waste of time

    I drive about 25 miles to use one that is 4%. Theres one 5 miles away that’s 13%.
  6. B

    Advice for my third cycle

    I guess I should have been more clear on that. The original cycle @beppeseppe posted was using Test E. In that case I would say 500mg/week. I would recommend Test P and in that case 350/week would be good. I usually run both (Test P and NPP) at 50mg/day.
  7. B

    Advice for my third cycle

    I use bromocriptine while on any 19nor. At 350/week NPP I might take one 2x/week. They’re not like AI, there is no real down side to taking them just in case. I just take low to moderate dosage. I’ve never had any bad sides from nandrolone or tren. I dont use high doses of either and take bromo...
  8. B

    Advice for my third cycle

    With the NPP you shouldn’t hold as mu h water as deca but you should get the same gains. NPP works better for me. I only use deca low dose for joint relief. Short ester test should help as well with reducing water retention. Tbol will tighten everything up at the end. 20 solid pounds from 1...
  9. B

    Advice for my third cycle

    EQ should really be run longer and at a higher dose. You dont really state your goals but it sounds like you’re looking to gain more mass. Run the test at 500 and add NPP at 350/week. The shorter ester will kick in faster for the shorter cycle and you should make some very good gains. I love...
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    Introduction, new to forums in general

    Then train harder/longer when you’re in the gym. You cant build muscle. You can stress it and break it down. Your body builds muscle when you rest.
  11. B

    Introduction, new to forums in general

    You train 7 days a week but rest 48 hours between every session? That math doesnt work on my calendar. You mean 48 hours between body parts? You still cant train 7 days a week. You need to rest your CNS and the muscles. If you can train 7 days a week and still stay awake and move you need to...
  12. B

    What's up guys? New here

    Welcome to the site. If you’ve taken a year and a half off, you’re gonna want to wait til you have at least 6 months if not a year back on before you start a cycle. Get your diet and training dialed in while you do some research. Lot of good info here. Read a lot. Ask questions.
  13. B

    Taste the rainbow lol

    I always take a low dose Bromocriptine when I run 19nors. Never had sides and keeps sex drive high.
  14. B

    Cryptocurrency help a brother out

    Bitcoin is the type of currency. Blockchain or Coinbase as @McSwickles said are the easiest. Blockchain you can deposit in ATM if one is near you (fees vary quite a bit from one to the next).
  15. B

    Pct protocol simple version

    I see people post all over online that they’re out of gear and didn’t have the money to order PCT and are losing all the weight and strength they gained. I recommend if you cant afford everything order your PCT, then save and order your gear later.
  16. B

    Powerlifting were really all doing it or should be

    I would also add a strict row or barbell row. I prefer strict row or pendlay row. Easier on my lower back and I can move more weight. I build all my mass programs around those 5 excercises.
  17. B

    New to the site and needing help

    Unless that’s a typo you’re 296, you want to “blow up” but lose 20 pounds. That suggest a pretty high BF%. Get your diet cleaned up and training dialed in and research first cycles, testosterone, estrogen, aromatase, PCT. When you get to around 15% BF you could run a successful test cycle and...
  18. B

    Can aromasin work good on gyno?

    I’ve tanked my estrogen before and it was shit. Joint pain, sex drive gone, felt like shit. Proviron usually takes care of estrogen for me. I’ll maybe take one exemastane a week of it gets a little high. I would deal with it for a couple weeks if I started getting gyno tho.
  19. B

    B12 Injections. How good are they really?

    Have a bottle right now. Doesmt do anything noticable. I will do one again tomorrow morning and see if I notice a difference (havent done it in a few months).