SB Labs

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  1. Johnnyred

    Ever confronted someone smashing weights down? / with bad gym etiquette

    Yes, absolutely. I have on several occasions snatched my stuff up and ran back home to work out with my own little gym after walking in to several young punks just bouncing around with no plan, etiquette or respect for anyone else. Just playing around and in the way like most all teenagers to...
  2. Johnnyred

    Gear for our sexy lady companions

    Kad1 all at the same time or cycle them in that order?
  3. Johnnyred

    Gear for our sexy lady companions

    Thanks again
  4. Johnnyred

    Gear for our sexy lady companions

    Gear for women. What to do, how much and how often @Optumpharma
  5. Johnnyred

    July 14 Another Fucking Work Day

    Black bear is really greasy and gamey. It has to be handled very special from harvest to plate. My mom and granny used to soak it in salt water for hours if not a couple days then drain, season and marinade. Shit ton of work but it’s more satisfying than anything we can buy at the grocery store...
  6. Johnnyred

    Politcal Posts on Site

    Welcome. Who are you? Tell us about yourself.
  7. Johnnyred

    Politcal Posts on Site

    Hell yeah
  8. Johnnyred

    New to all this and feeling like my levels are low after switching

    @Optumpharma when I’m ready for my next tren cycle which would pair with it better test C or E? I’ve got both and was gonna use one for my base and the other between cycles of tren so which to combine and which to cruise on?
  9. Johnnyred

    New to all this and feeling like my levels are low after switching

    Thanks @Optumpharma. Performance is not the issue it’s the drive. I’m in the process of quitting drinking so I have a lot of mental hurdles I’m dealing with so all this might not even be related but I will try those supplements
  10. Johnnyred

    New to all this and feeling like my levels are low after switching

    Well honestly my sex drive still isn’t where it was pre tren and during my tren cycle but I am feeling better. The massive drive is a major part of what my wife and I were enjoying . Lol
  11. Johnnyred

    New to all this and feeling like my levels are low after switching

    Yes and thanks for asking. I’m feeling a lot better.
  12. Johnnyred

    New to all this and feeling like my levels are low after switching

    Yes I had labs done. Everything very high. I had to get some arimidex to get my estrogen down
  13. Johnnyred

    Talking about stress and issues

    Back off on everything. I have just a little experience but I was there a few weeks ago toward the end of my tren cycle. No matter what you are doing cut it way down like in half. If your cycling a multiplier stop it now and go back to your base only. I was there a few weeks ago myself and I was...
  14. Johnnyred

    Flashlabs verified sponsor category

    Welcome to the family @Flashlabs
  15. Johnnyred

    Lab results. Advice please

    I didn’t ever stop. I stayed on my base schedule after my tren cycle I just lowered the dose. I had got a couple doses of arimidex from a gym buddy to get it in my system while I was waiting on mine and after my second dose Sunday I could feel my drive coming back yesterday and my night sweats...
  16. Johnnyred

    Lab results. Advice please

    Thanks again @Optumpharma. Your a lifesaver. .
  17. Johnnyred

    Lab results. Advice please

    @Optumpharma I got my Arimidex today from someone local because the only other way I was comfortable about ordering is from my old source that took 2 months to get my last order to me. Knowing I needed to get it in me ASAP I got it this way. I wound up with liquid dex 5mg per ml. How would you...