SB Labs

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  1. MormonMuscle

    Lee Priest's cycle from the 90's

    This interview discussing Lee Priest’s steroid cycle was recorded by Tom Platz in the 90’s. There is a a few different videos with different bodybuilders but Lee Priest was the only one who didnt care to be anonymous. This kind of gives an inside look into what the top pros with top genetics...
  2. MormonMuscle

    Crypto bank account..?!

    @Bigmurph I wanted to know what you thought about this site I found It’s called Nexo & it’s like a crypto bank account. I think you’ve posted about it before. The site offers a instant crypto credit line so depending how much bitcoin or whatever is...
  3. MormonMuscle

    Cramps at work.. please help

    I work for a drilling company & have been having really bad cramps where my muscles will tighten up and keep me from working. I’ve tried msm, drinking more water & none of that helps… Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated
  4. MormonMuscle

    Shout out Flash Labs

    Used my contest freebie to grab my girl some Var… it will be her first cycle as well. Love the packaging… well be ordering more in the future
  5. MormonMuscle

    Hgh questions for healing!

    My uncle (in his 50’s) is having surgery and wanted to go on gh for healing purposes. What dose ane how frequent do yall reccomend?
  6. MormonMuscle

    XXX SRX Touchdown Porn XXX

    Took advantage of the 20% off… Everything was super smooth. They forgot the Mast P but after emailing them they send they are sending the missing bottle! Thanks!! 😁
  7. MormonMuscle

    Ghrp-2 Ghrp-6 Growth Hormone

    Is the stuff any good? There is a local trt doc pushing it… Says it released a shit ton of growth hormone. Would it even benefit someone my age(27) curious on your thoughts about the stuff… @PHD @Ironside
  8. MormonMuscle

    Kratom... Who loves it?

    Kratom… I use it every single day… It helps me with anxiety, work pain, school etc… I love the stuff… I take the pills but prefer the liquid extract! The extract is just a little pricey so cant have every day or I would. Does anyone else use it? What kind do you use? Which brands? What do you...
  9. MormonMuscle

    Sust Tren Cycle Question

    First time running Sust… Wanted to run Sust at 500mg/week with Tren E at 400mg/week… Both injected Mon & Thurs for 10 weeks. Winny the last 30 days. What are your thoughts on this @Bigmurph @Ironside Ill have caber, arimidex on hand as well Thanks guys😁
  10. MormonMuscle

    Test Booster During PCT

    What is everyone thought’s about running a test booster during PCT? I’m 2 weeks in on nolva now & have a bottle laying around… thought it might maybe help… with libido especially. Also have been taking cialis which ever since week 2 hasn’t been helping to much
  11. MormonMuscle

    Nolva + Aromasin PCT

    I was thinking about running Aromasin with Nolva during PCT? 12.5 EOD I didnt use an AI while on but heard Aromasin can help boost natural test production & kill any bad rebounding estro? Has anyone tried this? What are your thoughts? Thanks
  12. MormonMuscle

    Drug Test... High Creatinine.. Help!

    I’m currently running a cycle & because of some old legal issues I have to take random drug tests. I recently had an issue with high creatinine levels & I’m thinking it’s because the juice… Does anyone have an information on this? What things can help with this? I’m going to start drinking more...
  13. MormonMuscle

    New to UGmuscle, questions

    What’s up I’ve done a lot of reading on this board & decided it’s time to take part. I was wondering what you guys think about running hcg throughout the cycle… I’ve ran hcg once & it was with pct. The more I read it says to run during. My sex drive always dies about half way through& my balls...