SB Labs

Search results

  1. BrandonIron

    It’s been a while, - deca

    Hey guys, I’ve taken a lot of time off, it I have some deca and I’m gonna start on that again. Could you remind me the proper way to use it please?
  2. BrandonIron

    Did I f up?

    So I put in a small order this morning because me and flash had a deal. It said it went through this morning after the order about 0400, but now at 1654 hrs the order isn’t even showing on the website. Could a @Flashlabs rep check on this and hollar at me, thank you. PS I’m not worried about...
  3. BrandonIron

    Thank God ugm still exists!

    I’ve taken almost 2 years off of the gym and aas, other than test, because I got a terrible case of Covid February 2021. It took me all of last year to recover, and still have some breathing issues but I’m done worrying about that. Just made my first order in 2 years from ever faithful Flash...
  4. BrandonIron

    Tren a & E

    Something I’ve always wondered, If beginning a tren e cycle (taking the mast out) would it be beneficial in speeding up the results by using tren A for a month or so until the tren e kicks in?
  5. BrandonIron

    Injectables - Adrol, Sdrol, or dbol

    My goal is always buking,I’ve tried DBol surprisingly with not much water weight lost after cycle. Have tried SDrol, but didn’t notice any difference. Has anyone tried Adrol injectable? Which of the 3 would you add to a building cycle, on/off of course throughout the cycle?
  6. BrandonIron

    Nutrients, supplements, vitamins, etc

    Wanting to see what everybody’s regiment looks like when it comes to this. The only things I’m doing are the ZMA before bed, that was recommended to me on here, and citruline preworkout. Y’all?
  7. BrandonIron

    So f’n frustrated.. bench sucks and won’t improve

    So I spent years doing presses wrong, or overdoing them, and got to a place to where I could barely use my shoulders. About a year ago, I changed gyms to one owned by a trainer, and he did some body tampering on my shoulder and legs/feet which made me able to actually do some presses again. The...
  8. BrandonIron

    Weird D - NPP/TPP, Test C, Superdrol

    Ok, I’m running 100/100mg NPP/TPP daily 32mg IM Sdrol daily- split 300mg TEST C, weekly split (m,th) 50 proviron 1 mg Adex twice weekly So there’s that, now, my confusion: I can get it up when it’s time, like once at night with my wife and SOMETIMES first thing in the morning, but I’m used to...
  9. BrandonIron

    Starting next cycle in a month or so now, wondering if there are more options?

    All of my cycles that I’ve ran have been Tren or Nandrolone centered as the nor19. My question, are there more nor19’s that I haven’t known about? I won’t run tren again, it causes me to become, depressed (?) maybe?? It just puts me in a bad mood and feeling down all of the time, and I’m a very...
  10. BrandonIron

    What is the longest any of you have ran GH?

    I’ve been running GH at 4iu per day for 8 or 9 months, with no plans of stopping. I’m still a little concerned that I can not find any information on long term GH use, and if it starts to lose benefit over time, or worse, if it can be harmful. I’m just wanting to know how long you, or somebody...
  11. BrandonIron

    Proviron - a few questions

    How many days/weeks/months out of the year do you guys run proviron? Do you just use when on cycle or just when off cycle? Or both? I’m thinking of running it just with test when I drop back down to TRT levels in a few weeks. Is it really even considered an AAS? I’ve used it on cycle before...
  12. BrandonIron

    Legs stubborn af, legs every other day?

    So I’ve recently began to really focus on my legs more than anything. I’m 6’2” and my legs are just a bit more than half my body, meaning they’re really long. I’ve been training for years, and my quads grow large, but way up high, to where when I wear shorts it still looks like I have no leg...
  13. BrandonIron

    Possible prolactin issue, not sure

    Right now I’m running: 600 Test C 700 NPP 900 EQ HGH 4iu daily Adex 1 mg twice weekly (Edit to add) - last week of Sdrol 20mg/ed Just had labs done, and estrogen is in range, but for a few weeks my nips have been sensitive, almost painful if pressed right, and I can’t tell for sure, but I think...
  14. BrandonIron

    Long term adverse effects of HGH?

    So I’ve done a lot of research, and asked a lot of questions for about a year before I started HGH. I still have not gotten solid info on this part of it though: Are there any long term, adverse effects of HGH use, or any side effects that become permanent after continuous use, or after stopping...
  15. BrandonIron

    OneQ came through in March and again soon hopefully

    Package arrived that was ordered in March from @OneQ! Right on time, and hopefully will be able to make another order real soon :ok_hand:t3:
  16. BrandonIron

    Really Missing you guys!

    @OneQ I hope all is well in your country, but I’m sure it’s a mess right now just like ours. I’m looking forward to your operation getting back up and running. I’ve got 2 months of blues left, and 2 months on the way, (still haven’t left the country of origin) but even so I’m getting nervous...
  17. BrandonIron

    Anybody have experience with miglyol 840 in their compounds?

    My sponsor is offering higher dosage compounds, but there is a warning that it contains Miglyol 840, and it states that some people will experience no pip, and some will have extreme pip. Just wondering if any of you have experienced this one way or the other
  18. BrandonIron

    Great sponsor, still in stock

    My wife and I are 6 weeks in to a new life with hgh, and am absolutely loving the results so far. I know they’re not the full results, but I can tell it is working in my body very well. I’ve already lost some visceral fat, and sleep is amazing. I went to place my 3rd order this morning, and the...
  19. BrandonIron

    SubQ versus IM for HGH

    Can anybody confirm a difference between injecting HGH subcutaneously and Intramuscularly? I‘ve read so much conflicting information about this stuff. This is why I spent years researching it before starting, but now I’m confused again because of an article I just read. It stated that: SubQ =...
  20. BrandonIron

    Just banked on Bitcoin fluctuation!

    I had $450 on hold in Coinbase, and during the hold period of 5 days the value went up to $573! Got an extra blue kit on my last order out of it!