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  1. calmb4dastorm

    Competition prep Log --OP

    It’s been a while since I have cycled and logged. I will post pictures this weekend. I am in the process of hiring a new coach, so my training regimen and nutrition plan is not yet set. I’m working on putting my cycle together now that I have everything I need. All products used will be by...
  2. calmb4dastorm

    Ifbb suspended the npc

    I just read that the IFBB Suspended the NPC due to events that transpired this week at the Olympia.
  3. calmb4dastorm

    Cb4ds UKG TNE log

    Upon receipt of the aforementioned compound, I will begin this log. Considering the duration of it, I use it simply preworkout on my heavier training days: legs, back/ chest. I’m in the midst of redesigning my train routine so the number of times per week used will be at minimum 3. However, it...
  4. calmb4dastorm


    How is your training split set up? Do you focus on training each muscle group once weekly? How many days weekly do you train?
  5. calmb4dastorm


    Hi all! I’m new to this site but I frequent another . I am female. 5’4" 155lbs toggling between 8-9%bf. I have been cycling 3 years now. Began competing last year in women’s physique. I hope to learn as much as I can from you all and contribute where I can.