SB Labs

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  1. Jsween94

    Sust 250, NPP, EQ, DBOL

    What’s up guys it’s been a little while I hope everyone’s doing well to start with. Secondly trying to get some advice. Right now I’m running 500 test and 500 NPP with 25mg injectable dbol subq preworkout. I was wondering if adding EQ into the mix would be good or not.
  2. Jsween94

    PCT sore nipples help

    Whats guys I haven’t posted in a while. I’m off I came off a little while ago I’m now on week two of PCT. I’m running HCG 500 twice a week after I kickstarted it the first shot at 1500. 100 mg clomid and 40 mg of nolvadex daily. Wondering why my nipples are getting sore, should I be running an...
  3. Jsween94

    Sust 400 to sust 250

    Hey guys, I’m running sust 400 right now, I have some really good 250 I wanted to switch to but will there be a hormone imbalance if I was to switch?
  4. Jsween94

    Sust 400 blend? Edit

    Hey guys it’s been a little while, been slacking heavy on my work outs I was in the hospital for my gallbladder and it’s finally getting back to normal. One question I have real quick (and I hate to bring up an old sponsor but it’s for safety) does anyone remember the blend of esters he used for...
  5. Jsween94

    ASHOP TD pics to come soon

    I have a couple touch downs from our sponsor @Ashop I will be posting shortly. Unfortunately I’m having issues due to my dumb ass putting in my wrong information I am working it out and my things are slowly touching down. Will be showing you guys Balkan orals including var, anapolon(drol)...
  6. Jsween94

    Blood work is in: prolactin high. Help

    What to do for prolactin ? And would the rad elevate those levels to that degree?
  7. Jsween94

    Getting my arimidex dosage for cycle

    Hey guys got my blood work done today waiting on results. Got all my organs checked, prolactin and estrogen. 4 different tests. Right now I’m cruising in between cycles on 150 test E. When I blast I’ll be kicking off at 500 test/300NPP/25-50 proviron going to see how I feel and 50 mg anadrol for...
  8. Jsween94

    N.P.P and EQ, why or why not?

    So it’s common for people to stack tren and eq because they have good synergy together and it clashes with deca but what about NPP? Can you stack it and it being a fast acting ester and equipoise being a slow acting will it still interfere? Or is there no difference because essentially NPP and...
  9. Jsween94

    Is it a Swollen lymphnode or is it gyno?

    What’s up guys, I made an earlier post about a possible HGH prolactin/estrogen spike causing what I thought was gyno. I handled it wrong. I took a bunch of adex and got my estrogen low thinking I could get it out. Didn’t work, I was about to get letro, talked to a few guys and they said yeah...
  10. Jsween94

    Next cycle coming up thoughts on NPP

    My next cycle is coming up I have some products I’ll be trying I got a while back. I was thinking of kicking off with NPP and either sust or E and stacking proviron, anavar, and tbol with it. I have caber as well I was going to dose at .2mg a week and adex at 1mg/twice a week. Will NPP have to...
  11. Jsween94

    The effects of GH on estrogen

    Is this something not covered much or is there a lack of studies on this? I know we had a member here that had an extreme estrogen spike to where his breasts were lactating off GH injections. I myself believe I just had an estrogen related side effect to GH. Does anyone know what causes this...
  12. Jsween94

    IGF and estrogen levels

    So my buddy just ordered some IGF from a good company, I’ve used their stuff personally and I really liked it. He ordered 3 bottles and they happened to send him an AI along with it. Does IGF happen to increase estrogen levels?
  13. Jsween94

    Very interested. Blue vs white

    Very interested in your products, wondering the difference in the blue and white? Also has anyone here used the long lasting version offered as well? First time seeing this anywhere. @OneQ also welcome back !
  14. Jsween94

    Amps to test orals and oils

    Can’t seem to find the amps that use the color chart to test orals and oils on the site. Help?
  15. Jsween94

    Cialis not working well for me

    Hey guys, I hear everyone talking about how great cialis works for them and how they can go all night and so forth and so on but it just does not work well for me, any ideas on why? I have Optums cialis and I’ve given the same tabs to multiple people and they absolutely love them but I just...
  16. Jsween94

    How to become or recommend a sponsor

    Hey guys, wondering who I would talk to to recommend a good sponsor for our community, I have not talked to the pharm about this or even used their products but I know a few of my family members have who competed in powerlifting and have some pretty big lifts who love them. Obviously I and...
  17. Jsween94

    Breaking out more than normal

    Hey guys so I ended my cycle a couple weeks back and I’ve been at 200 test a week about to come off and PCT and my back is breaking out pretty bad. This isn’t normal for me as even on cycle it’s not half this bad. Last time I got off cycle I didn’t have any break outs whatsoever, what could be...
  18. Jsween94

    Deciding wether or not to Trt

    I wanted to bring this to the forum because I’m not sure how to go about it and it has some personal issues I battled with and why I am wondering if I should go ahead and permanently Trt or if I should wait until I’m older. I’m 27 with no kids that are biologically mine. When I was about 24 I...
  19. Jsween94

    Optum yellow top HCG or IGF?

    Does anyone remember if Optums yellow tops were HCG or IGF? I was going through my stuff looking for some HCG and I can’t remember
  20. Jsween94

    Symbiotec gone? Or is site messing up?

    I had recently reached out to symbiotec due to optum dropping off. I checked the list to look at them again and I can’t find. Did they drop?