SB Labs

Search results

  1. BT

    Reminder - 15% Off All Tablets - Sale On Certain Oils - Free Pre-workout With Purchase

    Current sale on a couple oils, reflected on the price list below and 15% off all tablets. Sale! Test E Test P Tren A 15% off all tablets, please apply coupon code at checkout! Coupon code: 15%OffAllTablets Also a free pre-workout of 6 tablets of Cialis and 6 DMAA tablets with any order -...
  2. BT

    On Our Website Non US IPs Are Blocked - Must Use USA VPN Node/IP

    Our website/server is very locked down to protect all the information and stability so all non US IP Addresses are blocked. If you are using VPN have to make sure it has a USA Node. If you cannot access the site we do take orders via email [email protected]
  3. BT

    Product Price List Dec'24 - Order Via Email Or Website **12/26 Price Drop On Oils**

    **Update 12/19** Dropped the price on a majority of our tablets to be more competitive, 15% still works. If you ordered in the past 2 week and paid the old price please reach out and we'll make it right! Here is the current product/price list, we accept orders via email...
  4. BT

    Free Preworkout Sample Pack With Purchase - Cialis And DMAA

    Free preworkout sample pack of 6 Cialis and 6 DMAA tablets with purchase. Just add the Free Preworkout Sample Pack to your order This will be for the next 20 orders that add this package and purchase Bulko Labs - Pre Workout Sample pack Other discounts/sales still available as well 15% off...
  5. BT

    Bulko Lab Product Testing Results

    Here is the latest rounds of testing for all our products: Tablets: Accutane 15mg Anavar 10mg Anavar 25mg Arimidex 1mg Cialis 20mg Clomid 50mg Dianabol 50mg Halo 10mg Letrozole 2.5mg Nolvadex 20mg Proviron 25mg Superdrol 20mg Turinabol 25mg Viagra 50mg Winstrol 50mg Oils...
  6. BT

    New Website And Name! Bulko Labs! Sale And Discount To Celebrate

    We are continuing to evolve and grow! We are now offering injectables! Since Bulk Tablets would no longer work due to our increased product line we are now Bulko Labs! Don't worry we still offer our same high quality tablets! Typically ship withing 48 hours of payment, current payment method...
  7. BT

    25% off at - updated forum sale!!!

    Bulk Tablets Domestic US source - Fully Tested, Fast Shipment Discount is good for the first 20 orders! so act fast! Coupon code "Jacked25%" use at checkout
  8. BT

    Cialis a great preworkout 10mg .35 cents a day

    The benefits of Cialis for bodybuilding are multifaceted. The improved blood flow allows for enhanced nutrient and oxygen delivery to muscles during workouts. This results in greater stamina, allowing bodybuilders to push harder during training sessions, leading to more effective muscle growth...
  9. BT

    Congratulations to @Dirtnasty for becoming our new Rep!

    Congratulations to @Dirtnasty Excited to have @Dirtnasty as part of our team as a REP! Any potential customers or current customers please feel to reach out to him for any questions about Bulk Tablets. Thanks BT
  10. BT

    Bulk Tablets is looking for a Rep on Jacked Forums

    Hello Everyone, We are looking for someone who is looking to be a Rep on the Jacked Forums and would like to represent Bulk Tablets. Looking for someone that has a presence on the forum and a wide range of steroid knowledge to assist the members. If you are interested please reply to this post!
  11. BT

    Product Testing Results - Here is the results of our current batches

    All the testing turned out great for the latest batches. Here are the results for your review. Arimidex 1mg Accutane 15mg Dianabol 50mg Turinabol 25mg Viagra 50mg Superdrol...