If any of it is from a respected pharma, then I’d keep that, aside from injectibles. pills you would think would be ok. It’s a tough call, but be safe bro… probably should dump that shit.
Absolutely. I’m looking at being as engaging as I can. Been getting back on the horse, so too speak, with working out, supps, etc. So I’ll be around more here too.
Sorry @Bigmurph I’ve been crazy busy this last month. I know we all appreciate everything you do for the community. Once things settle down after moving and new job and what not, I’ll be more active.
I have heard about this man of men for quite some time. All who speak of him respect him and appreciate him for who he is and what he brings to the sport. I wish for a swift recovery after what looks like some good work by our front liners. Sincerely have my prayers for you and your family Sir.
Agreed man, this is nuts and we need things to change as quickly as possible. I am not getting political about anything, but the mainstream media needs to back off Trump and respect the job that he and the government is doing. PERIOD!
Awesome of you to do this for the community @Bigmurph. Good on you. Just stay safe and keep at it. Hopefully we will all be back in the gym soon and getting some normalcy back in our lives.
I’ve been keeping up on all of this and agree that allot of folks are panicking, but for good reason. Yes I think they are over doing it. This won’t be around for a year so don’t take everything like it’s the apocalypse. You need a months or so supply at most.
This virus is slowly creeping it’s...
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