SB Labs

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  1. calmb4dastorm

    Member of the month October 2020 sponsored by optum labs

    The question is who DOESN’T like Tren 😁 I have such a love hate relationship with it:joy:😂. That’s an outstanding deal right there my friend!
  2. calmb4dastorm

    Competition prep Log --OP

    Received my first diet to follow today. It doesn’t look like I will struggle with it at all. We shall see…
  3. calmb4dastorm

    Estrogen blockers and women

    I have used Adex 0.5mg EOD previously in a 8 week cycle. I didn’t notice any adverse effects while running it. At the same time, I can’t tell you if it made a difference either. At the Time I was running a cut with Tren and test P. My coach thought it would assist in my endeavors…
  4. calmb4dastorm

    Competition prep Log --OP

    There definitely isn’t much info on it…if there were, I would give it go for a short cycle
  5. calmb4dastorm

    Competition prep Log --OP

    OL, I’m good😁!
  6. calmb4dastorm

    Competition prep Log --OP

  7. calmb4dastorm

    Competition prep Log --OP

    It’s been a while since I have cycled and logged. I will post pictures this weekend. I am in the process of hiring a new coach, so my training regimen and nutrition plan is not yet set. I’m working on putting my cycle together now that I have everything I need. All products used will be by...
  8. calmb4dastorm

    Member of the month October 2020 sponsored by optum labs

    I hope she decides to do so! I’d love to read about her experiences!
  9. calmb4dastorm

    I'm back ladies and gents

    Welcome back 😻
  10. calmb4dastorm

    New member intro in the PNW

  11. calmb4dastorm

    Current Cycle With Alpha North Labs

    Welcome to UGM! Nice pics! You’re on one hell of a cycle!! We’re exactly the same height! I wish I could get my quads to grow more! What’s your training and nutrition regimen like?
  12. calmb4dastorm

    I met “The Mountain” today!

    Freaking awesome!
  13. calmb4dastorm

    Hello! I'm new to the forum

  14. calmb4dastorm

    Hello.... New to this site

    Welcome to UGM
  15. calmb4dastorm

    Members, We are asking for your help

    Roger that!
  16. calmb4dastorm

    Tips to help stop late night overeating

    Thanks for the tips SF! Always timely information!!!
  17. calmb4dastorm

    Picture category with high security for member pictures

    Sounds like an excellent idea! Thanks Murph!