SB Labs

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  1. K

    Looking for new cycle ideas

    All side-effects of Tren on gastrointestinal tract is consequense of progestinic agonism. It’s rare when this effect is powerful, but with someone causes. He can relax all sphincters in GI tract, so on your course you can to have gastroesophageal reflux and/or duodenogastric reflux and/or...
  2. K

    I added turinabol to my HRT. I love this compound!

    Hm… I always suspected that it has underrated anabolic index, because of lack estrogenic action. No kidding, today my opinion was fully destroyed. Thanks!
  3. K

    I added turinabol to my HRT. I love this compound!

    I always esteemed turinabol as not economically advantageous. But, today enquired that it may have some unique properties similar to stanozolol. Need more theory either way.
  4. K

    I added turinabol to my HRT. I love this compound!

    Sorry, I was mistaken. Smoked the google.scholar to find explanation. Turinabol and stanozolol - fibrinolytics. It’s rare property among steroids and it could to cause effects that you named.
  5. K

    I added turinabol to my HRT. I love this compound!

    Sorry. I myself don’t want to look like an offensive bastard. Practice is better than theory, yes? Never used injected corticosteroids, but after 2-3 months may be will get experiment and write post
  6. K

    I added turinabol to my HRT. I love this compound!

    This feeling was before? Only tren causes it?
  7. K

    I added turinabol to my HRT. I love this compound!

    A little bit more about “feel toxic”, please?
  8. K

    I added turinabol to my HRT. I love this compound!

    Strength, endurange, pliable biceps are effects of glucocorticoids too. Advanced russian and soviet powerlifters use it. Your effects so strange for turinabol and even opposite to reality. I nowhere read mentions about that. And how connected tren’s scope with age? If you have brain, you must use it
  9. K

    I added turinabol to my HRT. I love this compound!

    Your effects typical for glucocorticosteroids. Or it was faked turinabol or it have strong glucocorticoid action(no scientific data). Try them - for example dexamethasone, prednisolone, methylprednisolone and compare. True turinabol is very rare.
  10. K

    Proviron vs Arimidex

    Waiting withdrawal syndrome after selegiline, man. As from any other MAO inhibitors or reuptake inhibitors. NOT ALL DOPAMINE AGONISTS FOR LOWERING PROLACTIN. Bromocriptine. With some men it lowers prolactin very powerfully, with other it’s even raises it. In average it lowers. With other the...
  11. K

    Advanced, where are you?

    Hello, and sorry for my bad english I’m from Russia. My standing in sport pharmacy about 7 years. At 16 I bought creatine and here we go. I tried to find advanced people in Russian forums without big success. But 2 years ago I meet Andrew - engineer from Ukraine. And we doing our...
  12. K

    In the beginning was the Ban

    At “one site” email with @biz giving to anyone who wants for free… Ok, thanks for understanding. English for me is second language and I never before сommunicated in it.
  13. K

    In the beginning was the Ban

    Not sources - simply chemical compounds. I especially kept quiet brand even. Simply want to meet another users of this shit and get true. And it was anti-spam, if you read carefully. Advertise something and to say that it is deadly and harmful?
  14. K

    In the beginning was the Ban

    Hello! Apparently, I can’t to send private messages, but want to know - why my post about methyltrienolone was deleted? Free speech, but better to shy away from some themes?