@Poppy @NeuroRN @Rusty
Stocked up for the cycle, hopefully I will actually be able to finish this one without something getting in my way.
I am going to do 400mg of test a week but was possibly thinking 500mg since I’m already doing 400, but fuck idk for certain + Var this time for 12 weeks...
Which so far is 300mg because that’s all I’ve tried. So I think I’ll do 300mg again & maybe add var to it because I really want to know how it is when I get to fully use it
Good advice, Glad to be back man, now I’m debating on just doing the 500mg since I’ve never even gotten to that amount.
But I haven’t even gotten the damn chance to finish a full cycle of anything yet. Shit is driving me nuts. So I may just go straight 500mg or go to 300mg & var like I was...
@Rusty @Poppy Dam I wish I could know where to even start, every damn time it feels like I get going really well into a cycle there is a death. My uncle passed in December & then I lost my job due to a company buying us out. It has been so miserable.
However, I got a new job & everything is...
UPDATE | 3rd week on 50mg VAR
Firstly, I’ve been sick the past like 5 days so working out has been spotty but I still am doing body weight stuff. I did get to hit the gym today & yesterday so only like 4 days of rest. Sucks but it needed to happen.
Secondly, I feel stronger, feel like I’m...
Firstly, thank you all for the food suggestions, going to Kroger as we speak. So thank you for that @Poppy @NeuroRN @Rusty
Secondly, brother, I was worried that I wasn’t going to tolerate or feel anything with VAR. Thankfully, I felt it with 25mg for the...
Appreciate it brother🤙🏼
Also, for my own curiosity, recommend any meals? That you prefer? Looking to try some new food instead of chicken daily :man_shrugging:t4:
Roughly been about 4 weeks I believe, weighed in about 192-194. So I’m continuing to gain some weight while reflectively staying lean.
Let me just start by saying I am only taking 25mg of VAR daily for the first 2 weeks then upping it to 50mg for the last 6 weeks...
Workout Log
I’ll keep it short & sweet, this was my workouts this week, doing arms tomorrow. This was all about volume & control, damn did these hurt so bad. I will post what weights I was sitting around for the bigger exercises after this post. Try one of these & let me know what you think...
Figured Id chime in on this thread & maybe what I say will reach other young people out there, kind of long but my experiences with this so far.
I just turned 24, I also within the past 1-2 years started really having bad anxiety. I’ve found that it tends to stem from...
Roughly been about 2 weeks I believe, weighed in about 186lbs. So I’ve kept a good amount of size from the previous cycle.
Weights are going up, started splitting my workouts into
Chest / Shoulders
Back / Abs
Legs / Shoulders
Arms / Abs
Enjoying the feeling of focusing solely...
@NeuroRN I appreciate the insight man, will definitely consider that next time I cycle.
As for everyone else following along, I will give you an update tomorrow. I’m about 2 weeks into the cycle so far. So I will post photos, meals, workouts tomorrow for everyone to see. As always I appreciate...
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