SB Labs

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  1. D

    First log...going to try to keep it going

    No just a capsule, it’s 17 Alkylated so I just eat that bad boy!!
  2. D

    First log...going to try to keep it going

    Anadrol is the oral…stupid spell check!
  3. D

    First log...going to try to keep it going

    So went ahead and started my next cycle, about a week early but couldn’t wait! Today 150mg Test P 100mg Tren A 50mg adrol a drop once Morning and once Evening after food 4iu GH Meals 1st breakfast Nice bowl of Raisin Bran Crunch 2nd breakfast Two packages of maple and brown sugar oatmeal...
  4. D

    New cycle starting later this week

    lol sorry!🤦‍♂️
  5. D

    New cycle starting later this week

    I’ve never done one but I can do it for sure
  6. D

    New cycle starting later this week

    Goal is to look awesome and feel awesome…lol no but really I am currently sitting between 170-175lbs and I want to be 190lbs of lean muscle mass. When I started my journey I was 150lbs and no muscle for the most part. I’ve come a long way but have kinda hit that plateau at 175 and can’t seem to...
  7. D

    New cycle starting later this week

    I’m for sure going to split the dosage of the anadrol. I don’t want to harm myself either, believe me😜 and I’ll pay close attention to how I feel, I don’t mind adjusting midcycle if something is wrong or not feeling right. My goal is to feel good and look good!
  8. D

    New cycle starting later this week

    I’ll for sure be hitting that number without powder. I’ve got my fridge and freezer stocked with meat right now!
  9. D

    New cycle starting later this week

    Love me some pop tarts!!
  10. D

    New cycle starting later this week

    My plan on the prop is going to be daily 150mg (I’ll do one day a week at 100mg) I’ll do the tren ace MWF @100mg. As for the blasting of my liver, yeah that’s kind of what I will do 😉 I’ll take some thistle or tudca to help if I get a little toxic. I’ll run the anadrol for a month and see how...
  11. D

    New cycle starting later this week

    So I just had a meeting with my coach and thought I would share what I will be doing. 1000mg/wk test prop 300mg/wk tren ace 100mg/day of anadrol 4iu HGH/day pre-workout (pharma grade zomacton) Caber as needed Arimidex as needed So my goal is weight gain, I’m one of those that has terrible...
  12. D

    Howdy, it’s nice to be here

    Thank you guys, @Bigmurph im not sure how smart I am, maybe just a glutton for punishment in regards to school. HA!
  13. D

    Howdy, it’s nice to be here

    Hello everyone, my name is Cody, I’m 44, 5’10 175lbs working toward 190lbs. I have been lifting on and off my entire life but the last 2 years I have been hitting it pretty hard. Have been using for about a year and have run 3 previous cycles, I was only weighing 150lbs when I started. I’m a...