Aas sterllizing injectable aas

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Has anyone done this with you gear bakeing your oven for 30 minutes @120 degrees Celsius degree Fahrenheit leaving a needle in the rubber to equalize pressure. This is supposed to kill any microorganism and bacterias that can cause infection and injection site complications caused by unknown underground labs.

Also be known anymore time with higher heat can cause potential degradation of vial components.

And note trenbolone appears to break down at lower heating temperatures baking in the oven for two hours @ 80c /175f with a needle in the top …
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A very low concentration of benzyl alcohol, I believe around 1% is sufficient to prevent microbial growth. Most gear has around 3-10%. This was a pretty common practice years ago though. One of the ways people used to check gear to see if was real was to crash it on purpose and then heat it back up either in water or in the stove.
I personally have never done this. My sources over the years have been pharma grade or verified UGM. I have never had any crashed gear or bad UGL gear. Now. I have bought gear that tested ZERO for AAS. this was back in the day. I have also bought gear with particles floating in the oil, just threw that in the trash and never bought from those UGL again. Every source I have used here has been over the top clean. Some have pinning quality that has surpassed pharmaceutical grade. So. Really long answer. No I have never done additional sterilization…😂😂
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