Adex on cycle thoughts?


Well-known member
Research can be wild with the amount on the internet and very overwhelming. I have ran 2 test only cycles at 500mg a week so 2 shots m/th and have never used ADEX on cycle.

I want every cycle I do to be safer and better each time. So from my understanding, this goes 50/50 as some ppl say it’s not necessary at half a gram of test a week to use Adex. I have never had true gyno signs but safer is better and if adex will make my cycle smoother what numbers would be best to start with.

Test c at 500mg a week
running dbol at 50mg first 4 weeks
then adding var in for 6-8 weeks
I have adex at 1mg by 30ml in liquid so easier to dose.
nolva and clomid for pct
and liver support.

Is not using adex fine until I feel the itchy puffy nips or run at .10mg EOD I see .125 Every third day??
The only way to tell for sure is bloodwork. Also keep in mind puffy nipples aren’t the only side effect of elevated estrogen. Blood pressure, water retention and sexual function can be effected as well, to name a few. Using 50mgs dbol your likely to need some ai, dbol aromatizes heavily. In general I don’t start to use an ai until I get side effects.
This is very individualistic, everybody aromatizes at different rates. I know guys that run test in grams and need zero ai and some fellas just look at test and start seeing sides.Also with Dbol in the mix it really changes things up. I aromatize highly so on 400-500mg test I need at least 1 mg every 5 days or so. Now if I was to add Dbol it be most likely .5 EOD or so. Blood work will tell all my friend
I use aromasin just a superior product all around . I usually wait til like week 4 to start then 12 .5 mgs twice a week. But u really need to do bloods until u can get ur body dial in cause we are all different.

When running non 19 compounds keeping E in check is more important than every . I also run a p5p protocol. Which is 2 p5p ,2 zinc and 2 vitamin E Ed hell I run this all the time . I also keep caber on hand just in case . If caber is needed run .5 mg twice a week .

This is my opinion but until u know ur body bloods will be the only thing that can help you figure it out .