Anadrol dosage? How does everyone else?


Well-known member
How does everyone take it? Personally I’ve been taking 50 mg right before I work out, and I don’t take it on days I don’t train. What does everyone else do? And what are the pro’s and cons to me dosing like this.
How many weeks you planning on dosing? I’ve gone up to 100mg 50mg morning then PWO. And no longer than 4 weeks. 50mg PWO is more than enough. 100mg gave me SUPER HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. Now that I’m older, 50mg fucks up my BP. Just be careful and listen to your body. If you can feel your heartbeat in your neck, might want to cut it out of your Arsenal.
I did 100 split pwo then evening I lift 2 hours after waking. I did 2 weeks on two off then 4 weeks on. My liver never had any issues but I also may just have a freak liver with all the abuse I’ve done to it and never any bad markers
50 mg 60 min PWO. Unless it’s meet day, then 50 mg during warm ups for each lift! (While I did do that during competition, I absolutely don’t suggest it). If you really want to turn the volume up, start listening to pantera, Iron Maiden, Amon Amarth, etc… and I took it only on workout days