Anyone run Test, EQ and NPP

It’s not a bad cycle per se and a not uncommon. My only thought is that I don’t think you’ll get anything noticeable from the eq with the npp. If you’re running the eq for an appetite Increase it makes sense though.
Once my stuff gets here and I start the stack/cycle you out together for me, I can’t wait to see what this full look and shrink wrap look means from the EQ in my stack. Definitely need the boost to appetite, as well. Was easily throwing down 3,500+ calories with a 40/40/20 macro split awhile back and now I can barely stomach 2,500 calories a day with proper macros, because I’m just not hungry and hate food most days.
I did test,npp, and dbol for the first 4 weeks then switched it up to test and deca and removed the dbol… bulked me up really well lost like 5 lbs of water when dbol was cut. Sitting at 220lb rn strong afffffff… as far as EQ I would probably just use for appetite.