Best cycle to compliment next cut


Forum moderator
Trying to plan out a good cutting cycle, at the moment I’m thinking:
Test P, Tren A, Mast P and if needed as a finisher I’d add winny or var.
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Also to add to this, I will actually start my cut prior to blasting on this cycle. While cruising I find it very easy to cut so this cycle is dependent on how my cruise goes. If I feel like I’ve leaned down enough then I’ll probably just run test p and mast p while continuing on a deficit.
I couldn’t agree more, I should have worded that better. I’ve actually done a very successful cut while running dbol before so I understand.
When I was finally able to get those three all the time, I was able to do my favorite. Which is go 6 on 3 off… Or close to that model. I like fast acting compounds. Suspension, durabolin, winn( a big 30 of milk) then swithch prop, mast p, tren A then some anadrol overlapping. Never needed much pct either, then give yourself a nice month or two of nothing, let everything come out of system, I get good gains in the off period. This worked great for me over the years. At the end of a competitive year your off 22 weeks to 28 on 25 to 30. Never really know.
That sounds like a great method, I’ll have to try it out. I’ve never tried suspension or any fast acting compounds but I would definitely love to give them a shot.
Watch rx muscle on u tube… Palumbo talking to king kamili or Shari… And ameen. Just look at kamilis face when he talks about the old test suspension or win v from the horse track.
Do you feel benefit from pre workout usage? I “feel” an NO pre workout more. With loose fitting sweats viagra would be a good pre workout, methltest, milberone. I heard some spot shooting ts in bicep, triceps pre workout, that has to hurt like hell.