Best way to cycle Tren A while on TRT


I’ve done Tren a In th past at 280-300mh a week along with Sus, I didn’t have no side effects except super high libido :ok_hand:t3: And I achieved great results, But since then I’ve been place in TRT and was looking for the best way to cycle Tren, Was thinking about waiting 5 weeks then introducing the Tren a , I shouldn’t need to run Test p or sus since the Test c is already in my system but I would like to get more input before moving forward , thanks
Currently on prescribed injectable 200mg Test c a week
If you are TRT I do not see any issues adding TrenA at any point since your serum levels of testosterone are peaked based on your ongoing TRT treatment.

There is no reason to switch to TestP or Sust. I have added shorter and longer ester steroids to my TRT dose without issues. In fact, I see remaining on TestC to be beneficial when you cease the use of tren. This will keep your serum levels peaked without any disruption.
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Add tren ace at 50mgs every other day and see how that feels if you want you can bump it up to 100mgs eod. That should have you ready to rock brotha!