Break between cycles


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I ran a 10 week cycle of Tren ethanate and test 450 and my wife seems to think I get better results running Deca and test how long should I take off before I start a Deca test dbol cycle??
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Your wife knows if you get better results on a certain Cycle more than you do? Or what did you mean by that? You should cycle what works best for you and what you want to run.

And yeah if ours going pct route general rule of thumb is same amount of time off that you were on after pct. but really you should get bloods and see how those look.
I was in an accident some years back and had an arm reattached and just tore me to pieces when I bulk it hides everything and when I cut it exposes everything so I rather bulk I like the strength gains from tren but I wanna hide all my injuries so I wanna switch back to Deca if that makes more sense
I think deca would be your best bet for bulking for sure. Sorry to hear about your accident man. Glad you’re still kicking butt in the gym.
Damn @Fitraver, leave the guy alone…his wife might be a top ifbb judge:unamused:… I would like to see same amount off as on, but realistically if you can do half, 12 on 6 off, ETc. I think as the long acting drugs are exiting your still able to keep in + nitrogen and anti catabolic effects . By the 6th week or so, some start feeling “off” If your able to push through that great, if not then start up again.
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@Welder21 my concern I see with this post is running trenE for 10 weeks. Wtf? 3 weeks maximum on trenE. Follow the 3 weeks on 3 weeks off rule for running trenE. That shit is majorly toxic on your body.