Caloric Deficit and Lean Mass Gain

From my personal experience I believe you could with the use anabolics, quite possibly even with out. I ran tren a, and test p in pretty unsteady caloric state… on a daily basis and I would be anywhere from 500-1200 below yet with the use of those compounds based on a dexa scan my lbm went up while I dropped from 13% bf to 11%. Now would I say I could have gotten much more out of that cycle if i ate enough? Yes, but I was young and dumb.
Btw I’m glad you posted this as it’s something I’ve been wanting to test again… I like experimenting, helps you learn your body and how you react to different things.
I know from personal experience that it is possible. My personal opinion is that is is much easier for a beginner who carries less muscle and typically more body fat than the more experienced simply because as you gain lean muscle mass though experience it takes more maintenance calories to just maintain the increased muscle development from previous cycles.

The advantage that a more experienced person has over the beginner that makes it still a possibility is EXPERIENCE. Experienced individuals are typically more disciplined in every area of the lifestyle that allows them to receive a better return on investment.

I know that the question is very subjective and many factors come into play but it is a question worth discussing.
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I def believe its possible for the experienced as you stated much more disciplined in every aspect of the equation plus can ise more gear to their benefit along with other compounds like gh, insulin, igf-1 lr3, t3 or t4 the list goes on. And finally you know how to train to make gains possible. Focus the majority of your calories around your workout and it can be done albeit at a much slower rate than in a calorie surplus