Can’t wait to start it’s go time soon!


How’s it going fellas! I finally have all my things in order and will be starting Feb.1st if all goes well. Need to drop a couple more pound of fat and it’s go time ! I Will be runnning Test E , Deca blend , dbol , proviron.

Week 1-4

Test - 250mg
Deca -150mg
Dbol - 50mg pwo
Proviron - 25mg

Weeks 5-8

Test - 500/600mg
Deca - 300mg
Proviron - 50mg

Weeks 9-12
Test - 250mg
Deca - 150mg
Proviron - 25mg

Adex and P5P on hand !!! Hears a little starting point as of today image|375x500

Currently 179lbs
Goal get to 190-200 shredded will see how it goes !


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What’s a deca blend? Also, you’re wasting your time titrating the deca dose on a 12 week cycle. If you’re hell bent on 12 weeks and titrating, run straight NPP.
Ok, so, I saw the pic you posted, there’s a lot to digest here. You need to cut first, you might be over 20% bodyfat, get down under 12. You shouldn’t run anything until then. Next, is this your first cycle? If so, drop everything but the test. You’re basically running a 4 week cruise, a 4 week blast and dropping to a 4 week cruise. P5P may not be enough, get a DA. Are you planning to PCT after? If so, don’t run a 19nor, you’ll be shut down way too long. All that said, you’re not in a position to be running anything yet in your current condition. Sorry if I came off a dick, bro.
All good bro … yeah I put up there I need to drop fat first . I know my body and I can drop it down where it needs to be by the 1st !! No this is not my first cycle . I started this journey 2-3 yrs ago at 130lbs . First cycle was test only … went up to 150 solid and pretty cut ! Second cycle test and dbol after that witch got me from 150- 170 . Went into a local trt dr right after for about 6months got numbers dialed in and then ran test and deca same deca I have. now that I think about it I ran it for the 12-16 weeks at 300mg the entire time . Went from 170lbs to almost 190lbs . A lot of that weight was water bc the gyms had closed and I started eating like crap with my little girls lol . Now been on my trt for over 16weeks cruising
Drop down to that prior to blasting. If not, with all those wet compounds, you’re going to run into issues. You’ll start converting more, E2 will spike, prolactin will spike, your BP will blow up to 180/120, and you’ll generally feel like bloated shit. Get a DA and some telmisartsn if you decide to blast without properly cutting. If you’re currently already cruising, why bother with 4 weeks on either end of your blast at cruise dosages? Consider 16 weeks, then drop back to cruise. But, again, I wouldn’t blast until your bodyfat is back where it is in the 2nd pic. If we’re honest, there’s more fat there than you can reasonably lose in 3 weeks.
Yeah that’s why I put feb1st if all goes well hahaha . If I have to start couple weeks late it’s all good !! p5p worked well for me . I’ll most likely run 16 weeks
Ok, 300 deca, for some reason I thought 500. P5P should be fine. I ran deca up to 720 and didn’t need a DA, but, I certainly have it on hand. Here’s the thing with P5P, and don’t think I’m pushing DAs, it should work…until it doesn’t. Then what? Soggy noodle in you pants as you scramble to get some caber. Get some and have it on hand. If you don’t use it, great, but, it’s a nice insurance policy.
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I actually have to place 1 more order for some extra proviron just to have on hand so I might as well grab some caber and more adex . Can never be to safe your definitely right !