Clomid, Nolvadex, Liver


Well-known member
Just wondering if clomid and/ or nolvadex is or can be harsh on the liver?
Also any suggestions for supplements while running those 2 during pct?
No they are not. And what do you mean what supplements? Are you on test? Why would you run both of them at same time? Not sure what you’re on so can’t really give good advice here.
Anything that is processed by the liver ‘can’ be hepatotoxic but that doesn’t mean it actually is. Nolva is linked to fatty liver and steatohepatitis and in rare cases even more serious conditions developed over extended use. There is not enough information concerning clomid on liver toxicity.

For a short run of nolva & clomid for PCT I personally would not be concerned. Ibuprofen used regularly is more damaging to the liver than a small dose of Nolva and/or Clomid.
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No no no… sorry if I said the wrong thing for supplements I meant things like NAC, TUDCA, LIV.52, taurine, vitamins?
@PHD im running test e 250 eod, and tren a 50mg ed, I will not be running any of those while doing pct, sorry for any misunderstanding
NAC you want to run during your cycle and TUDCA after. I would run only nolva with that not the clomid also.
@PHD could you please take the time to explain your reasoning on both issues? I don’t have to worry about PCT but other certainly do and I would like to hear from your experienced perspective. I have always combined the use of tudca/nac on and off as needed.

EDIT- I ask because many, if not most, of the PCT protocols we see are the use of nolva combined with clomid.

Thanks in advance.
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@SemperFi the reason I personally wouldn’t use them together is because they almost do the similar thing but they don’t. So why put extra stress on your liver by taking another product? That’s just me. I know others like to run both together.
TUDCA is used to help support bile flow in the liver. I use this after a cycle to flush it all out.
NAC is a potent supplement for detoxification and healthy liver function. This is why I personally use while I’m on a cycle.

I don’t mmm
Right on. Thanks for your explanation.

Do you believe, other than the additional potential liver stress, that there is anything counter productive in combing nolva and clomid? It seems it is a very popular combination and other than a personal preference I am just curious if anyone knows if the effects of these two together would be limiting the effects of either individually. Hope that makes sense.
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@SemperFi personally I don’t like clomid and I stay away from it. Some guys like it but in my experience most don’t. I don’t see the need in adding it to nolvadex as nolvadex is pretty strong by itself. I honestly don’t know the purpose of combing the two or what @josh is trying to accomplish by combining them. Maybe you can add to that or is that just something you heard or read? I’ve just never heard anyone combing those two products. But hey I’m down to learn new theories. It could help me help someone else maybe one day.
@PHD I have just read it over and over. 🙂 Since I have never PCT’ed I have no experience to go by so I never really dove into the idea of serm’s or clomid. But like you I do like to learn new ideas or be corrected if there is a better way of doing something.
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Ive done both together but last time i got off i ran hcg 2000iu a day for 2 weeks then i ran 25mgs of aromasin daily and 40mg of nolvadex daily until i had my testosterone back up running from blood work. My testosterone was low last time on its own so thats why i found a trt doctor that im gonna see when i finish up this cycle
Honestly @PHD it’s what i’ve continually read over and seen time and time again in the combination of those 2 ran together. Very few times, but i’ve seen it, the two ran separate but still combined with something else.
Monkey see monkey do!
Maybe it’s different for competing but in my 20 years I’ve never seen or heard anyone running the two together during a cycle or after.

I’ll do some research on as to why people or doing this.
This is why I come to you guys to get the guidance and help from experience, so I’m listening and always open to changing things up before I dive in
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