Cutting Cycle Opinions


Active member
Hey everyone. What to do you guys think about this 8 week cycle? The guy already did 2 little cycles years ago. He weights 180lbs more or less. He just wants to get ripped for summer, then hel’ll most likely run a bulk cycle next fall/winter.

Week 1-4 Oxa or Tbol 40mg split ED
Week 5-8 Winny 40mg split ED (could I increase the dosage week after week?)
Week 1-8 Test Prop 100mg EOD
Arimidex 0,5mg ED (dosage and timing yet to be decided, waiting for blood work results)
Proviron 50mg split ED

Week 1-4 Oxa or Tbol 40mg split ED
Week 5-8 Winny 40mg split ED (could I increase the dosage week after week?)
Week 1-8 Test Prop 100mg EOD
Week 1-8 Masteron P 100mg EOD
Arimidex 0,5mg ED (dosage and timing yet to be decided, waiting for blood work results)

Nolva on hands.
Calorie deficit of about 500 with some cardio sessions.
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ADEX ED? For me that would flatten my Estriol levels bad. 8 weeks just seems a little light for a cycle, but I would need others to chime in. Winstrol I never ran greater than 50mg. But that was me.
I was thinking about doing 20/30/40/50 of winny, or 40/50/60/70 or just keeping it at 40 all 4 weeks?. Is it bad going from 40mg tbol 4th week to 20mg Winny 5th week?
I would run the 40 4 weeks straight. I wouldn’t step up orals. Me personally I run 50 of orals split thru the day. I workout in the late afternoon so I’ll take 25mg at 1200 then eat something on top of the dose (keeps the reflux down on me) then 25mg at 1600 with my workout starting at 1730. This keeps my heartburn to a min and you’ll be running a 50mg dose Levels during your workout. Some can just drop 50mg with no problems. If that’s the case I take orals about 1.5 to 2 hours before workout.
I personally like running Test c or e 500 ml / tren e 400 ml / mast e 600 for a cut cycle. Once you drop down to your desired weight and bf % or close to it. I would and in the winny for the last month. I usually run this for a 12 week cycle since use longer esters but you could try 8 weeks just use shorter esters.
I’ve never ran a “cutting” cycle, I’ve always used AAS for bulking. After my bulk/blast I will drop to a dose of 200-300mg test and drop my calories while focusing on HIIT and cardio. This has always worked really well for me. If you compete you obviously have reasons for cutting cycles, but me I’ve always used this method.
I like tren too when cutting but I decided not to include it since he’s still a beginner and is off for 2 years now 😅
@rudidada First off thank you for reaching out to the community. Love seeing this family help each other.

If this is his 3rd cycle he has to much going on. You are saturating the same receptors with 2 compounds, AI method on this will crash his system and there is not enough time for most of the hormones to peak.

I personally would suggest this protocol below as its a photo shoot style prep that i use for clients that need to get ready for pictures or vacation.

Test Prop 100- 1cc on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday- Weeks 1-6
Masteron Prop 100- 1cc on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday- Weeks 1-8
Winstrol 50- 25mg AM and 25mg PM- Weeks 1-5
Anavar 50- 25mg AM and 25mg PM- Weeks 6-8
Tren Ace 100- .5cc on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday- Weeks 5-8
Arimdex- .5mg on Tuesday and Thursday

^^ The above will dry out and provide that great hard base at the end of that 8 weeks for any individual wanting to get ready fast but also not have alot of aggressive sides.

As always best of luck and if anything is ever needed we are here! Thank you!
Thanks so much for your help. I have a few questions:
  1. Isn’t it better doing Test Prop and Masteron Prop every other day? Just to keep levels steady (?)
  2. I wanted him to lower body fat before starting Winstrol, that’s why I put it at the end, is it that bad?
  3. What’s the reason behind stopping Test prop 2 weeks before the end of the cycle? Cause of water retention? Then PCT would be 3 days after last Test pin, am I right?
  4. Arimidex timing decision comes from Test and tren pin days?
I’ll defo consider your products in the near future for my next cycles 😃

Sorry for bothering and for my english haha
@rudidada of course as always i am here to help you not only get the results you are after but also protect your overall health.

1.) It is listed above as EOD- Reason i drop weekends is due to a strategic approach to keep shots on the same schedule.

2.) No i would start with winstrol as it works very fast- Thus going strong and a light finish with anavar to dry out and bring vascularaity to the for front.

3.) I do this to drop off any water and dry out for any cycle finish for the best look when finsihed- if there is no need to photos/contest/vacation i would ride Test prop and then finish out with standard PCT requirements.

4.) Correct and on non pin days.

It’s ok, i speak 3 other languages and wish you nothing but the best! Cheers friend!