Cycle help. Need advice

Well. I have a shit ton of test e 250. 20ml tri tren 150. 20ml of deca 300. 30 androl 50 tabs. 100 androl 25 tabs. 150 dbol 10mg. 250 winny tabs. 100 Nolvadex and 50 clomid. Oh. 20ml of eq 200
Are you only wanting to run a short cycle? You got longer esters like deca and eq but not really enough of them for any normal length. 20ml of each isn’t much.

I guess you could run the deca at 500 for 12 weeks and use the dbol or drol.
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I’ve been out of the game since we had my daughter. Got fat and I set a goal to get back where I was. I’ve always ran simple cycles like test dbol tren deca. Simple stuff I guess
150-300mg deca
150-225mg tren
250-375mg test

i would add 300mg of masteron and inject mwf. those #s are also to facilitate mwf injections with the gear you have. with mixed tren esters mwf is fine and side free at that dosage. tren deca combo does make me hypoglycemic during extended exertion so keep a juice on hand. some will say the dosages are too low but the stack works great, its nearly a gram of gear on the high end. let the deca and tren do the work, masteron keeps libido high, test is test no need to over do it, just exacerbates sides. deca and tren combo is fine as long as 19nor combo isnt too high. i love it.
i cant handle the sides on even 300mg of tren but love what it does for physique. personally not a fan of orals.
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Winny is a waste of gear, money and time in a bulking cycle.

A proven bulking cycle with a very long history is Test, Deca, and a dbol kick start.

Keep it simple and put more energy into your diet and training then being overly concerned about ‘what’ to use.
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What do you mean drol after dbol? How long are you thinking of running an oral?

4-6 weeks is plenty but even then you should be conscious of the liver toxicity potential. The liver is resilient but I wouldn’t over do it.
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Well I’ve always ran 50 mg of dbol a day. Might come out to 30 days. Might have a few less. So was thinking of pulsing the androl for 2 weeks then 2 weeks off and 2 back on. I have milk thistle and Tudca
Sounds like you have thought about this more than you are letting on @Coalhogg. 😉

How about just telling us exactly what you are wanting to do? Thats seems a better way to help out than throwing a bunch of mud at the ceiling and seeing what sticks. 😂

With all that that you have on hand you could get dozens of ideas and not be any closer to developing and decent bulking cycle.

You know my recommendation so lets see if anyone else has an add.
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I’ll Go ahead with it. 250 test e 250 x2 a week. Tri tren 1cc 3x a week 50mg androl daily eq 600 weekly. Still waiting on aromasin. But I have Nolvadex until I get it. But I still want deca in the mix. Like I said I’m no pro by any means. This will be my 5 cycle. And this cycle I had some help coming up with.