Delatest 200mg/ml-- 1000mg week blast for 8 weeks


hello people- i am on 400mg a week trt dose— i have 12 week till my next blood work so im think of blast straight test e at 1000mg a week- its pharma test so it the 79 mg actual test per 100 mg–so 690 mg test really only.--------this is not a major blast for me but i have got great results with pharma test–maybe the canadian ugl brands i use are under dosed?? pharma test my fave now. do you think that is worth doing for 8 weeks??? then i drop my levels for blood work 4 weeks i take to drop---- i used to just do my own blast and cruise and now im on doctor trt and do not wanna mess up and lose 4 vials every 5 weeks-- i get 4-- 5ml vials and he will do script for arimidex if need be-- can i get any advice on best way to drop test levels after a blast like this?? im sure many of you know a good way to get normal or not too high of test level in 4 weeks??? thank you for your time and support
Drop all fats from diet and overexcede yourself in the gym, don’t sleep. The pharmaceutical approach would be to use non test based anabolic… not the best approach though. Next step would be to find a doctor in Canada who is more knowledgeable and accepting or just cut your losses and do your own trt. I’d imagine having to purposely drop your test levels isn’t the healthiest.
You should be fine just dropping down to your trt dose for 4 weeks. Your levels should be down by then, right? Side note: how the hell did you get a dr to prescribe you 400mg/wk for script dose??? Lol he’s cool with your bloods being 2x the average? Wish mine would do that. I feel lucky getting 200 a week.
yes i have great doctor asked how much i do and i told him lots-so he said he gotta state on script 1-2 ml a week-and thats 400mg a week and told me im sure you know what your doing come blood work time?? so CANADA ROCKS
not legal like mexico or asia—you need doctor script but the cops will not take your gear - and many family doctors will write you a script when you test show low t–my first doc was clueless and looked in a book to estimate how much to start me on–100mg every 2 weeks was waste of my time so i found a great doctor who lets me do 400mg a week and i just gotta have decent bloodwork–he just care about psa he said the high test level ok because i just did a shot . i should show low test still after 400 a week and bump up to 600–see if he let me----i just like the free pharm test – im get best gains of my life on pharm test alone-- canada has great healthcare too that why all the #### AND THE ^^^^^^ come here in ship containers
Makes sense for sure. That’s badass you can find that much pharm to blast on. I like how he says your bloods need to look normal which for your script of test will be like 2500. A sr here would pull our script in seconds haha. Shit you could run that dose test year round and never go above that and just add other stuff.
yes i will do tren a with that in between bloods -my bro with same doc just went for 1 , 3 month test and never goes for bloodwork --i have a script for over 2 years— 20 refills----i get 4 vials every 10 weeks— thats 200 weeks script – i want blood work to make sure psa count and estrogen too - the ugl test i used was all garbage compared to this pharma test - so got to keep it coming