Easy Guide to Dosing Your AAS


There are a lot of debates in terms of dosages when it comes to AAS. There is a quite practical approach to end all this madness and it is based on a theory from Broderick Chavez, the evil genius. He has a background in human biology and is well versed in pharmacology.

TRT: 1-3mg per kg

Competitor TRT: 3-5mg per kg

Competitor Minimum (blast): 5-10mg per kg

Moderate level competitor: 10-15mg per kg

National level: 15-20mg per kg

Pro/Elite: 20-30mg per kg

This is based on body weight and a good way to understand what would be the minimum effective dose as well as the maximal dose where you start experiencing diminishing returns due to sides. Everyone is different so it will take some playing around, but I have found this to be a good place to start.
I personally use 2mg per Kg for TRT
for my blast I use 5mg per kg.
Most I’ve ever ran is 10mg per kg and that made me sluggish as hell. I couldn’t imagine 20 to 30mg per kg. I think my old ass would be dead. 😂. Very informative and great way to have it explained. Thank you!!
Haha this is good example of how we are all different a respond differntly. You must be more of a hyper responder. On the flip side, some guys run far more than this and get very unimpressive results. Just kind of a ballpark figure!