Going into PCT? Taper or cold turkey


Well-known member
So before I go into my pct soon, I was wondering if it would be better to end my cycle slowly tapering things down, or just cold turkey it and go with the pct when the time is “right”? Thoughts, opinions, experience, advice…
I started with test prop, and moved to test e, been doing test e 250 eod, and tren a 50mg ed, I’d have to look at my calendar but I’m at roughly 12 weeks now, i’ve got clomid and nolva, but I’m on the fence with those because I keep seeing hearing and reading back and forth opinions on the 2
I have no personal experience with PCT but here is my opinion based on what I have learned for others. There is no real benefit to the cycle or to the PCT by tapering off. The goal is to metabolize the exogenous testosterone as quickly as possible and begin PCT for a smooth recovery. Begin you PCT protocol 10-14 days after your last full dose TestE injection.

See what others have to say that have personal PCT experience.
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What you said about time after finishing test e is what I was gearing up for…I planned on just coming right off, hopefully there are some personal experience with pct comments coming!