HGH During the Day: Pre-Workout or Post-Workout?


I’m on continuous HGH, 2.5iu each morning and each night, which I double during a serious cycle. It works well for me, with no bloating or tingling or any of the typical sides. Rather, I just seem to get leaner and leaner, which I dig big time because that is NOT my natural state (I was always the fat kid). From time to time, I’ve added a third HGH dose around a workout. So my question is for those who dose HGH around a workout: Do you do it PRE-workout or POST-workout? Using the moniker “PWO” is ambiguous. What say the wise folks here?
I was reading an article about it last night as I still have 23 vials left in my fridge from summer before last. Bedtime they say is best. At night is when your body naturally releases HGH so it responds the best this way. Just what I read.

I don’t know that I would take it continuously though. It can enlarge your liver and heart. When they did an autopsy on Rich Piana his heart and liver were more then twice the size of a normal humans.
Thanks for all of the answers, and when I say “continuously,” I don’t mean it literally. I definitely take breaks and sometimes will run the 5 on and 2 off routine. And I recently confirmed no heart enlargement with a scan, and liver values are now good. But you absolutely are correct that over-use of HGH can get ugly. I don’t think at 5iu/day that I’m at risk of that. When I double that dose on cycle to 10iu/day, I’m getting into that dangerous territory. At 15iu/day, one is definitely at risk of enlargement. At least, these were the “bro-rules” I’ve been taught over the years.
A long time at high doses 15+iu will develop serious issues, i think in years. Just my opinion though. Lots of food, HGH, slin, steroids, synthol= not healthy. Little bit of roids and hgh and slin is fine i think, everything in moderation.
I used a little bit of fast-acting slin many moons ago, but pretty quickly decided against any further use. Just a little too easy to get that wrong and die IMHO.
I use 4iu nightly.
I’ve read anything over that mark is pretty much useless in one pin.
Seems to work well for me, I stay realively lean and sleep well.
I’ve also read POST work out is best, promotes recovery. HGH has a very short half life.