How much exemestane?


Looked all over the internet and UG, but haven’t found my exact answer…

Recently had bloods done, Estradoil levels were at 96pg/mL… Obviously high.
Doctor prescribed me exemestane (at my request) to combat the issue.
I’m not experiencing any sides, other than a low libido… (poor girlfriend)

But she wasn’t entirely sure how much I should take initially.
We both think 12.5 EOD or E3D/twice a week…
But initially, should I start with a 25mg to knock it down??
Read it reduces e levels by up to 85%, right?
@n3rd - that’s a good question and hard to answer as each persons blood and body are different. For example for me when I am on TRT I take 1 mg of anastrozole a week keeps bloods and estradiol down. When on cycle like right now running 600 test e, 400 deca, 50 Proviron and 40 dbol. I take 12.5 mg of exemestane EOD. But again that my body and my ester - each person will vary. But yes you want to low that number, it’s high.
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Yeah, started full cycle yesterday. Figured I’ll start at 25mg tonight and run 12.5 2xweekly… or just judge how I feel. Will be running bloods again in towards the end of Feb…
Long story short, my last cycle I ran all short esters and with no cyp/TRT… got off of cycle, switched back to TRT and my e levels were high and my test levels were at like 400…
You should be good then going back on trt… I would just 25mg and back to normal protocol… GTG at least you aren’t experiencing gyno.
Been battling it for the last 3 months…
dr thought my body would fix it itself with the help of hgh…nope.
but now I’m jumping back on a cycle for my beach vacation… lol
Hey bro … I have crashed my estrogen before on that exact dosage… I’d try half of that for a month. Obviously everyone is different… but crushing your estro sucks… joint pain, hot flashes, night sweats, no libido, etc.! Good luck
Hey brotha your level was my exact number 96 so I upped my Aromasin to 15mg ED and within a week I would say my libido is better then ever and cleared up my shoulder acne. Is this a definitive answer , prolly not, but just wanted to throw out there some personal experience. I have not got bloods done yet again after upping my AI , but from what I feel and see it has helped alot. But just to throw a wrench in the mix “bro science” states that Tren can throw your e2 numbers off, and I am running 400mg Tren EW, hoped this post helped In some way shape or form lol
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lol! I am looking for peoples experiences… So thanks man!

Knocking down e levels is different for everyone… I think everyone can agree with that…
i started with 25mg last night, woke up this morning feeling better.
What I hadn’t realized is there are a few more side effects of high e levels than I had known.
Brain fog, achy joints, of course low libido (soft ‘not-so’ hard ons) high blood pressure, sweating profusely. all of which i have been dealing with…

Just started tren Monday, so i know those results weren’t tainted because of tren.
This has been a battle I’ve been dealing with for the last 3 months, second blood test lead my dr and I to aromasin. Just weren’t exactly sure what to do in terms of dosage. Obviously don’t want to tank the e levels,
so tomorrow i’ll take a half tab (12.5) then next week I’ll start with 1/4 (6mg) e3d and run that till I get my next labs.
If your new to using AI, you might consider trying adex, it’s not a suicide inhibitor, so it will lower your estrogen, but after the half life of the pill has passed, will release the estrogen. You’ll get to feel your estrogen levels rise and fall so you have a better idea when you need ai
The only problem with Adex and someone starting out is you can get a rebound estrogen effect. Basically Adex fills your estrogen receptors, now when that wears off you’ll be producing alot more estro if your not strict with your regiment.
Great write up here

Suicidal AI vs Non suicidal/binding AI*

Adex and letro are non suicidal AI?s all they do is bind any estrogen you convert directly on your aromataze enzyme. Each AI binds a different percentage of estrogen, letro binds more than adex of course. Problem with biding AI?s is once you seize use all the estro that had accumulated over the weeks/months you were using the AI suddenly gets released this process is called estrogen rebound and I am sure you know it can be far worse than estrogen while on a cycle since normaly when you drop your AI you either cruise with a low dose of test or pct. In both cases you have far less test in you and once all that estrogen is released you got a much higher chance of getting gyno and of course you are going to be bloated like a balloon and feel soft for weeks till your estro comes down to normal levels.

Aromasin is the new generation of AI its suicidal, the difference being with the other AI?s is Aromasin will actually destroy/kill a certain percentage of your aromataze enzyme so by doing so it also kills any estrogen that was attached to that enzyme. Means when you stop using aromasin you wont rebound at all like you would with the binding AI?s and if anything you will have to wait for a while for your body to start producing more aromataze (very bad if you crashed your estro comparing to the other AI?s). Each person is different in the rate they create new aromataze for me it takes around 2 weeks for someone else it can take one or three weeks. Only way you can speed up the process is by using HGH, you can use all the dbol you want all the test suspension you want if you crashed your estro with aromasin and you don?t have aromataze you wont even bloat from those compounds there wont be any estrogen conversion, also you will get 0 results from the dbol at least
That’s a great write up, everybody should read that, and your 100% right about the rebound. I usually don’t advocate for adex at all, but when I was learning how to control estrogen it helped give me an idea of what high and low estrogen felt like. I was in the same boat he was in, having high e2 sides and not even knowing that what it was.