How should I dose this HCG?


Well-known member
185 lbs at 5’9”

Week 7 of the cycle?

I heard conflicting things, some day don’t use HCG until your done cycle because no point in restarting natural production while hacking andogenous gear in you

Does all it do is keep your balls notnal size? Or is it good so that they don’t atrophy

I’m 29 btw
It’s an lh mimic so i tells your balls to produce but technically it’s suppressive in its own right. But people like it to get the balls working going into pct. Some also say it makes them feel bette on cycle I tried it and couldn’t tell difference other than ball size and like mine small
There was a guy from eroids. I believe his name was Rustyhooker on there. But he done a big write up on PCT which included Hcg and dosages. Me myself I liked 500iu twice a week for last 5 weeks of cycle and then PCT. He done the write up here on UGM I might add.
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I don’t need an AI until 750mg and even then I can get away with .5 Arimidex every two weeks. Recently I got some kind of bite on my nipple that was itching. I should have waited to make sure it was a bite but instead took .5 of Arimidex and tanked my estrogen. I knew better.
I still use it from time to time during my cycles at two shots week 500iu each time so 1000iu week. I always notice my nuts frop a little bit more and my loads are larger. I believe it’s train of though is to keep you from shutting down so hard. If your doin it to bring back ur natural T. Then wait till at least a week after your last injection and use 1000-1500iu weekly for 4 weeks and even you can afford it hmg as well. Then Nolvadex to block the estro rebound