Intro post, strongman, sports


Hey y’all making intro here been training nearly 10 years since I was about 12, played football at a high level, won nationals for wrestling , now just got into to strongman in the last couple years,

I’ve ran some pretty nearly cycles at my peak weighing 280 at 21 I got up to a 725 dead, 655 squat, 455 bench, 365 standing OHP, 335 log press, now just doing whatever I can in quarantine lifting logs and rocks down by the lake cause I only got a few weights, bands and jugs of water at home to lift, currently taking a break off gear as I ran a cycle for over a year and just staying healthy taking trt, cause my dick completely stop working when I tried to tapered off it all.

I taken test, npp, Decca, tren, anadrol, Winnie, HGH. Test and hgh being the only thing I ever wanna take again all the other shits given me narly sides like when on tren and anadrol I’d wanna rip people’s heads off When I was working as a bouncer and I’m pretty sure Winnie cause my ACL tear in football, thanks y’all looking to chat during these shitty Corona days,
Cheers 😎
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