Iron Junkie Labs Test/Deca Cycle


Gearchurch sponsored athlete


1 week into my bulking cycle including @Iron_Junkie_Labs Deca & Test E, also taking 50mg Proviron split am/pm and 75-100mg TNE pwo. I will update this post as I progress through the cycle which I’ll be running 16-20 weeks and I’ll also leave reviews of the gear as it starts to “kick in”. I’m thinking of possibly adding some EQ to the mix soon and depending on how everything is going on the Deca I may drop it sometime around week 12-14 if the gains slow or come to a halt and switch over to another compound for the last 6-8 weeks or if things are still progressing nicely I’ll just stick with the Deca. As of now the majority of my training is being focused on strength and power development and only going to the boxing gym 3 days a week just to remain sharp and to work on technic and fundamentals.
It’s going to be an uphill, hard fought battle to reach the goal I’ve set for myself, but that’s what keeps me motivated, by doing what seems impossible to most and challenging myself to reach my full potential mentally and physically.

As far as reviews of the gear itself, the only thing I can speak on at the moment is the TNE and those of you who have tried it already know the pumps that you get from the stuff is absolutely rediculous and personally my efficiency in the gym seems to be increasing constantly and I’m able to go longer and harder and push past previous stopping points.

I’m super stoked about this cycle and I’m looking forward to seeing the progress I’ll make over the next 3-4 months with my dedication to the goals I’ve set and the extra edge and push I’ll get from my sponsor IJL who I am so fortunate and blessed to have in my corner, who IMO as a competitive athlete, couldn’t ask for a more dedicated, loyal, and top notch sponsor! 🔥💯💪🥊
I without a doubt know that you will reach all goals that you have set for yourself. You have an amazing work ethic, are meticulous in your approach, have all the all and support from your family plus have the most amazing sponsor @Iron_Junkie_Labs in your corner! Keep raising the bar pushing your limits! You are a gentleman and a champion all the way around :facepunch:t2:
How much time off cycle have you taken before beginning this cycle? What are your current dosage of Deca and Test? How many days a week are you using TNE?

Sorry for all the questions.

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