SB Labs

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Today, I just did 30 minutes on the bike. My delts were popping so I decided to hold off on chest until tomorrow. After tearing my labrum last year my left delt has a bone that sticks up about 1/2 inch. I’m guessing the ligaments that hold it in place got stretched from all the reoccurring partial rotator cuff and labrum tears. I don’t like to train on days it’s popping and cracking.

So far for food I’ve had 3 protein/oat shakes, and two meals, one with 10 egg whites and salsa plus 7 rice cakes. And one with 1/2Lb extra lean ground turkey breast with 3 slices dry Dave’s 21 grain/seed toast, a tomato, and spicy and regular mustard. I’ll have another protein/oat shake when I get home.
