Kidney damage after cycle


Well-known member
Hi guys wondering what happened ? my filtration rate is down to 57 and my creatinine is up at 127 , please let me know is this gonna go back to normal I just came off a twelve week cycle of SUSTANON, and DECA DURABOLIN, 500 mg and 400 mg a week of the tow, and dbols for the first 4-5 weeks, but I ran this for 12 weeks, I have taken clomid and nolvadex for almost two weeks now and waited two weeks before starting that , I am gonna run out of clomid two weeks in but thought I would just supplement it with nolvadex for the last two weeks (4 weeks total pct) so I was just gonna take 2 tablets of nolva for the last two weeks , will this be ok guys >?? thanks and will my kidney numbers go back to normal?
Hello, got a lot I need to ask here. There are several factors that cause these results and a few questions I have. What additional supplements are you taking? What is your protein intake? Did you fast before the blood test? Where you properly hydrated? Running other supplements and or lack of water can screw your numbers. Too high of protein intake without proper hydration are also huge factors. Your doc will more than likely have to take another test in few weeks. During that time make sure your diet and fluid intake are in good order. At minimum with high protein you should be putting down a gallon of fluids. (Water/Gatorade/non carbonated non caffeine drinks) I know my numbers are wonky if I fast and have blood work first thing in the AM. I try to do blood work around 1000-1200 time frame. But that’s just me.
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@TBU is on point I believe. Hydration and blood pressure play a major role in your kidney function. Your labs are barely outside the average normal values. Did they change significantly from a previous baseline test?
yeah you got some on point advice here no doubt, I have to get my kidney function checked periodically by my nephrologist and so does my recipient dad, it fluctuates pretty much every blood test better worse etc.
yes i have been taking additional regular supps and vitamins which ive stopped now, yes possibly could of been dehydrated yes was first thing in the morning, abd bo these are just based on regular values
Personally brother I wouldn’t worry one bit.
Again those kidney function test bounce around alot. I have ckd stage 1 and the nephrologist only wants to see values once a year
I dont see a reason not to, especially if you were going to begin having kidney problems,which i don’t think you will, you’d want to start the long term monitoring with your bodys hormones leveld out